{Please tell me how I can improve this.}
If a tree falls in the forest,
and nobody is around to hear it,
does it make a sound?
It's the sound of another dead wolf.
It's the sound of uprooted sacred ground
because the world is greedy.
It's the sound of couple hurt
because the tree they carved
their initials in is gone.
It's the sound of a man
cashing his check
because he wiped out a whole forest.
It's the sound of a child's stomach rumbling
because he lost his food source.
It's the sound of the lungs of the planet deflating.
Dear Mom
I heard you in the back of his truck, giggling.
I knew what was going on. I always knew.
I knew when I would crawl into bed with you because I had another nightmare.
You two were naked.
I knew because I wanted to watch Spongebob, but found a girl on a screen taking dick.
Four years old.
You stayed with him for what? The drugs probably. Or maybe it was the great sex. Maybe it was both. It doesn't matter why. He hit me while he was hitting you.
"You shouldn't have got in his way."
I knew when his son slipped his hands into my pants at age five.
I still remember that day. It gives me nightmares.
And what happened to my molester?
Two months parole.
And you sat there crying. I should've been crying.
But I stayed strong because you needed me.
And I needed a childhood.
But I will never get it back.
I am from my name written in marker on the wall and even painted on the front step.
I am from the Lord's prayer every night before bed, then not even saying "God" without "oh my" in front.
I am from waking up from a nightmare then not even wanting to wake up at all.
I am from a red wristband that turns green after a day.
I am from a town of thirteen houses- pretty much nowhere.
I am from lyrics such as "sugar, we're goin' down".
I am from typewriters and flower crowns.
I am from an almost-perfect drawing of a frog and cup.
I am from trailer trash, but technically not a trailer.
I am from the Big Dipper ice cream that holds memories like my first date.
I am from watching Disney channel- even as a teenager.
I am from an all too familiar hospital room.
I am from a whole journal of quotes that's falling off its bindings.
I am from my supporters- Dad, Jess, Mom, and all the others.