22 - OH - my new habit is getting drunk and posting 'poetry' on here
They're still looking
and looking,
for the God element
like it's gone...
rolled off the periodic table
Looking again...
maybe it's N, the no. 7?
or some other pnictogen,
the substance locked up,
in every living organism
Looking closer...
the cell respiration,
of kelp and tumbleweed,
or mustard seed, sipping
on brewed ammonium
Looking, there...
in the distance, Life
at ocean's edge, salvaged
washed, crushed again
and leavened
Looking in the cabinet
maybe it's the salmiak
scraped and added
to the daily work,
the salt of the earth
And where is God in the mix?
Looking, and looking
It's keeling itself...
Dead again to us,
in the infinite helix.
Dead Again challenge @dctezcan