January 23, 2025
My entry into your world was indeed recent. I have become comfortable here during my two month tenure. Quite comfortable indeed. In that period of time, I have managed to surround myself with any number of sycophantic characters of low morality bent to my will, ready to do my bidding.
I did not have to reimburse any of them with tangible assets of mercantile origins. No, I merely had to offer to each the chance to appear on bended knee, for each to pledge their eternal loyalty.
Each one did as I expected. Each one stands at the ready to give their lives upon demand.
I expect nothing less.
I am beginning to enjoy the possibilities of this world. My conquest, while not bloody as previous conquests, is slow, but on pace for a near completion. You would call it an empire or an authoritarian state. I am leaning toward a totalitarian regime.
A rose by another other name would smell as sweet.
And what can you accomplish? Can you prevent what is already in place? Have you the skills or even the desire to try? Your will is strong, but your resolve is weak. If it were not so, we would not be having this “chat”. You would simply be dead.
“But, I do so enjoy my amusements. And you are the first to defy me. As such, I will not kill you outright, but you will beg for my mercy and plead that I do.”
This was the only surviving video from that time. It clearly indicates that others have opposed her rule before. I told the company of my soldiers. “You do have a chance. She does have a weakness. She thinks herself as divine. We know better. She knows better. All we have to do is prove it.”
The company arose and split into small platoons to begin their guard duties on the perimeter. The weapons they carry can lay waste to her minions, but have had no success with her. I have never seen her hurt. No one ever has. That is, no one any of us know of.
That is, no one who is still alive to tell.
Dawn came without the rumormongers delighting in being right. Money exchanged hands for those who still wagered on our circumstances. I will never understand the lure of gold or silver on soldiers who should embrace courage and steel. Such men bet on failure in the hopes to appear to have power or facts others do not. Such men receive respect only from others of a similar ilk. This is not their time to shine.
Even now, I have little use for them.
But I will.