Talkative ubers
There are 2 kinds of uber drivers
Talkative ones
Quiet ones
Lately I've been encountering alot of "talkative" ubers.
Don't get me wrong, I love talking to
Everybody got a story that deserves
to be heard.
Even as a writer you need to listen
more to people, see more to use that
in your craft.
But alot of times I prefer if they're
quiet, So I can drown myself In my
daydreams listening to music and be
out of the place I am .
Daydreaming about being somewhere
else, with someone else, being a better
version of myself.
Thats the magic of music.
But lately I dont get that chance when
I'm In the uber. Suddenly out of
nowhere they start talking, sharing
their stories and experiences, their
regrets, and ...
At first I'd get slightly annoyed, In my
head I'd be like "please, 5 more
minutes until I get to home, I wanna
listen to some music man..."
But now everythings changed.
First of all, I'm honored that people
see me as a guy who would listen and
care for what their saying. Thats an
honor I will keep forever.
What if their stories, their experiences
are a message coming from the
universe to guide me?
What if these are gods guidences that
are coming my way?
It's funny...
One time I was very upset with a
situation at my work and I was burnt
out. Then I got an uber, and he
started talking about life
And how we have to enjoy the
I talked with him all the way home
and smiled. Not only because he was a
kind and hardworking man
But because he told me something
that I needed to hear.
From thay day forward, I listen more.
Why daydream when you can
experience life through others words?