Splish Splash I Was Taking a Bath
‘Now, slut, I am likely to be running around a lot for the next while. Tell me, how would you masturbate for me in the bathtub if you really wanted to torture yourself for me?’
’Oh crud, Sir, let me see…I could only touch myself for three minutes at a time and then cannot touch myself for five? But during those five I may slap/spank/twist anything I so wish. Or you could include those in touching myself, forcing me to decide which to do for how long in the three minutes and then have to keep my hands away from my body for the next five. As most of my baths average an hour in length, if you’ve not popped back by the end of my bath, I’m allowed to finally come?’
‘That sounds terribly cruel to me, slut. I love it. I think the three minutes of touching and five minutes of keeping your hands away is the best way to torture you. Shall we begin? I expect you to put on quite a show for me.’
I slide down into the warm embrace of the bath. I let the water enfold me in its heat. I haven’t felt warm all day. My challenge? Where to start? Actually, it’s not much of a challenge at all. I grab my left nipple between my thumb and the knuckle of my index finger. I pull it away from me, and just thay slight pull causes my breathing to speed. I pinch down harder and knead the nipple, twisting and pulling. Each time, I add a little more force behind it. I tell myself that I won’t spend all three of my first minutes only on that nipple. I don’t want the right one to feel left out, but somehow, I can’t take my hand away. I close my eyes and just enjoy the strain of my flesh and the pleasure flowing into my body. I open my eyes only to discover my three minutes has passed.
Five minutes. How can five minutes seem so impossibly long? I stare at the time, urging it to speed up. It seems to take forever.
As I reach for myself, I needn’t have feared. My right nipple is already erect, awaiting its turn. I pinch it between my right thumb and the knuckle of my right finger but this time I squeeze as hard as I can. My feet push against the end of the tub as my arousal builds. I let up lightly on the pressure and instead pull on my nipple and twist it away from my body. My feet slide down to the bottom of the tub and I can feel my hips gently begin to rock. I know a wetness must be building, even if it’s camouflaged by the water of the bath. I look at the time, another three minutes has nearly gone. I squeeze down as hard as I can, biting down on my lower lip. With a mutter, I release my hold.
Damn! How fast does three minutes fly by. Why did I say five minutes between? Why did I only give myself three minutes? The questions are pointless as I know why. You wanted me to come up with a way to torture myself. Little did I realise how effective it would be.
I bring my knees in closer and push them against the side of the tub. I let my fingers wander down to my clit. With the first few flicks of my finger, I’m reminded instantly of my masturbation from the night before. My clit is still tender from the abuse rendering it hypersensitive. As my hips push up, my pubic hair is visible just through the bubbles of my bath. I must be gentle but this slow arousal is not to my liking. I want more. My hips start to rock. Regardless of the tenderness, I persist. The waves in the water giving away the speed of my desire. Slow down! Slow down! I repeat to myself. At this rate, you’ll be a wreck by the, by the, the thought is lost as I just keep flicking my clit. Damn clock!
Don‘t look at the clock. Don’t do it. It will only infuriate you. Still, I glance across. One minute. Only one minute has passed. Madness! That’s not possible. I try to do the maths to see if I’ve miscalculate, but with desire fogging my brain, it’s impossible.
I slide my hand down between my legs, bypassing your clit. I sneak my index finger into your cunt hole. The nature of the wetness leaves no doubt that this is not caused by the water in the bath. Usually, I’d not go this route. I know I prefer clitoral stimulation to penetration, but I knew you’d want to know if I was already creaming myself. I slide my index finger into my ass. Not something I‘ve done before and I instantly wonder why not. It feels so damn good. I pull my knees all the way up to my nipples, my fingers reaching deeper. I love the way it feels as my fingers pump in and out of me. Fuck! That’s my three minutes. I pull my hand free.
Desire is driving me. I want to touch myself. No. That’s not it. I need to touch myself. I can so easily push myself over that wall, to feel the sweet release wash over me and take me away. Now? Now!
I slide my hand back to your clit, I can’t resist it, but this time, I bring my knees up and in only a little so that as I flick and play with your clit, the waves created by my movement smack lithely against your cunt hole, teasing it, toying with it. My hand speeds up. I force my legs to stay in that same position. I don’t allow them any extra stimulation only the increase in waves teasing my entrance. I feel my hips wanting to push out, I know what I want. I want to feel the smack of a hand against my cunt. Your cunt. I want that burn, but I force my hand to stay where it is. I know if I take that step, if I give in, holding back is going to be that much harder. I glance at the clock. No!
My head thrashes back and forth. I can feel nothing but thay desire, pulsing through me, pushing on every nerve in my body. My legs rock back and forth. I keep a close eye on the clock. The minute those five minutes are past, I’m off. C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!
I must! I want! I throw my right leg over the side of the tub and brace my left leg against the lip of the tub on the left side. I press my shoulders into the front of the tub as I use my leg muscles to lift your cunt up into the air. With my left hand, I spread and hold open my cunt lips. I raise my right up into the air and with only a moment’s hesitation, bring it smacking down onto the exposed flesh. Yes! The word gets ground out between my teeth. I raise my hand again, and let it swing. Two, yes. Again, it goes up. Now, there is no pause, it swings down with force. Three. Fuck yes. The speed picks up. Four, yes, yes, please. Five. More, please more. Six. Harder. Please, sir, harder. As my eyes start to roll back, my eyes catch the time. No no no no no! I halt my hand.
Every inch of me is vibrating. I can’t stay still. So close, I’m so very close. Oh please, please, sir, let me. Let me touch myself early, please, please, please. The next few minutes are lost to me as the pleading fills all of my mind.
I flip over in the bath and try to grind into the bottom of the tub. It’s not enough. I have to have more. More! I roll over. My fingers fly to my clit and start stroking, flicking, pinching. I want you. Inside me. Now. I glance up. Yes! I rise up out of the tub, my fingers still flying and grab the back scrubber off of its hook. I lower myself into the water, a knee at a time so I don’t have to take my hand away. As soon as Ive reclined, I shove the handle of the back scrubber into my cunt and start pumping away with my left hand while stroking your clit with the right. Oh god yes. Fuck me sir! Fuck me! Hard! Slam into me! Harder! Harder! Yes! Yes! So so so. Yes so. Oh so. Oh oh oh Nooooooo! Fuck no! Fuck no! Bastard!
One more minute. One more minute until I can touch myself again. You didn’t say I couldn’t leave the scrubber in. As my hips bob, the scrubber raises and lowers inside of me. Oh god please, please, please. Now. I want to now. Right now. Waiting? No. Now! Thank god. I touch myself.
’May May May May May May May please May please May!
Sir sir sir sir sir sir sir sir sir me please sir me sir please please!’
I screech as the orgasm rips away from me, long and drawn out, begging, pleading, thanking. On and on, my body keeps coming. scream after scream until my eyes roll into the back of my head.
‘Good girl.’
I lower my ears under the water. I listen to the rapid beating of my heart. I imagine your heartbeat next to mine. Slower. Steady. I take deeper breaths through my nose as I will my heart to slow. It begins to decrease. I continue. I imagine that strong heartbeat, calling to mine, pulling it nearer, encouraging my heartbeat to find it. It slows some more. I continue to slow my breathing. I hear both heartbeats in syncopation. Mine. Yours. Mine. Yours. Until they begin to merge. Yours. Yours. Yours.