Sunset’s lasagna
They were driving In the highway
Sunset gave an orange color to the world around them
They were planning to go to the beach
"Hey dude lets play a game."
He turned off the car's radio.
"Come on man..."
" lets play what if."
" what if? "
" yeah, I'll say some first then you do it."
"What if the world ended now?
What if the aliens attacked us tomorrow?
What if you could fly?"
He was silent, focusing on his driving, or so it would seem
"Its your turn."
He smiled briefly.
"What if she knows how to cook a lasagna,
And Its the best lasagna you can ever taste?
What if she wears a beautiful yellow and white dress while making it
And she ties her long hair before that?
What if you go get her flowers to surprise her with her favourites, dandelions.
What if she nearly drops the lasagna because of your surprise?
What if you make love to eachother so well that night that time stops?
What if... she says I love you from her heart?"
Silence filled the car
"Its your turn now."
"Dude... you passed the beach."
"Oh... my bad."