The Unrelenting Heat and General Awfulness of the Desert.
Sweat drips down my face slathering it in steamy heat. A feverishly hot wind blows at me and chars my cracked lips and bulging eyes.
The desert is barren, just sand stretching for miles and miles on end. The lonely cry of the vultures is the only echo of living creatures and the smoldering wreck of the plane is the only sign of civilization. Heat shimmers up in waves as if I am walking on a grill and each time I drag in a breath I can feel my nose hairs singe. My right hand wavers towards my flask, knowing it's empty but still wanting to check. Today I ran out of water. Today will be the last.
I collapse to the burning sand, pressing my face into the scorching pillow and watch the blistering yellow sun arc its way across the sky in a path of pure light.