The Lost Child
The lost child goes unheard
Re-living every moment
I'm nearly 35 years old
But i'm still walking home alone in the rain
Meeting my mother in that dark home
For her to welcome me there with such happiness
Yet with such sadness
Like I was the only thing keeping her alive
Still seeing my father with his new wife
Everyone is so happy
Laughing and smiling and joking
They can't stop saying "I love you"
But it doesn't mean anything anymore
You've broken it.
Feeling lost
Floating around
Two families...
In one, I have to be the father, son, the man...
The only man
In the other...I wish I was still his son
But I don't believe you anymore
I don't trust you anymore
Two families and I don't belong in either one
I want to be their perfect son
But a perfect son to what parents?
The parents are gone.
You told me to grow up and get over it...
Do you think that's easy?
I never trusted you again.
I lost my parents.
Do you think that's easy?
You lost your mother
And you said your father was never there
At least you had your grandparents to raise you.
Who do I have?
Who has me?
I have always been alone...and now you have the gall..
To be upset with me?
You died when I was 12
I've been living with your ghosts
Do you think that's easy?
Who do I have?
Who has me?
You think you deserve a son?
How do you deserve a son when I
Never deserved parents?
My parents died, and I grew up without you...
I'm sorry if you think that's harsh.
I can't lie's making me sick
Do you think it was easy?
How dare you attack me for surviving.
I don't live because of you
I live in spite of you..
You can't hurt me anymore...
I don't want to die like this
But I still feel the same pain.
That emptiness
That fear
It makes me stumble and fall
It cripples me
Hobbles my every decision...
So desperate to be perfect
Maybe if I win this one thing
I'll have a mother and father again.
Maybe they'll take me back
Maybe we'll be a family again?
Maybe i'm stupid and crazy....
She said she's sad that I can't forgive them.
I feel pain when I hear his voice
That's my fault?
I have never felt in control of my life
I have always felt helpless
In every friend it feels like I'm looking for my father
In every relationship I look for my mother
I don't do this on purpose
It's just a funny thing i've started to notice
I wish these were my only problems, hahaha...
Feeling my own skin
Feeling my eyes...moving
Feeling...everything and then I can't breath
Every pain is fatal
I fixate on everything
My thoughts come rushing in waves of millions
I can understand why people get addicted to drugs
Why people kill themselves
Kill others
I understand the villain
It doesn't mean i'll become one...
You know, I think it makes a better person
Not everyone can understand and feel sympathy
For those who suffer like that..
They do it because they feel too much
Maybe i'll be healed when I'm 60
Then I can finally have a career when I'm 80
Get married at 90 and have kids when i'm 100
This life is a bloody joke
F*** this place
Good night