Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself
Well, I guess it's up to me to play devil's advocate. I can't help it and I've always pulled for the underdog, but in this case, I guess I'm pulling for the under-demon? So my favorite character in the Bible is the villain, good ol' Satan. Now, hear me out. I always thought that forgiveness and redemption were central themes in the Bible, but as Mark Twain noted, "But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?”
If Jesus came to die for our sins what about Lucifer? After all, he is the first and worst sinner, so shouldn't he get intensive care prayer? I would argue that the most Christian of acts would be to pray for the one who would be the hardest to pray for as they are most assuredly the sinner who needs it the most.
However, the way Satan is treated in the Bible actually contradicts the central tenants of the Christian faith. Jesus was all about loving thy neighbor, treating those who consider you an enemy with kindness, forgiving, and being forgiven. So, why then don't Christians pray for the fallen angel who was once one of God's favored angels? I guess the lessons of the prodigal son can only be selectively applied?
This duplicitous attitude towards sin is one of the reasons why Christianity has lost so much credibility and is hemorrhaging younger members. The Bible says that God is love and that he wants to forgive the sinner for their sins. Well, everyone except for the first sinners, Satan and his fallen angels, they get the lake of fire heated shaft. This sets a REALLY bad example for Christians. If God can withhold grace and forgiveness from one of his angels, then Christians can withhold prayer and grace from anyone they disagree with, right? Having an abortion? No prayer for you. You're a same sex married couple? No prayer for you. In fact, we will falsely call you pedophiles (thou shalt not bare false witness anyone?) and accuse you of trying to indoctrinate children into the LBGTQ+ community while reading to them during story time at the library. Yet, some Christians WILL pray for their favorite presidential candidate who has cheated on all of his wives and publicly said that it is okay to grab unsuspecting women, "By the pussy" without permission (though shalt not commit adultery), been convicted of sexual assault (thou shalt not covet and thou shalt not steal), fraud (thou shalt not lie and thou shalt not steal), and insighted a riot that killed innocents and could have been a lot worse because he was too vain to accept defeat gracefully (thou shalt not murder) because he says he hates who we hate.
So, yeah, Satan deserves someone to stand up for him too. If God is love and he wants sinners to return to grace, why is Satan excluded? Frankly, I think Lucifer has a right to be a little hot under the collar. So, if you can't pray for him at least you can, in the words of Mick and the boys, "Have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse. Or he'll lay your soul to waste."