spinning, at least for now
tell me how you're seeing your world,
and i'll tell you how i see mine,
right now
it's spinning - good spinning, not bad -
like a
dancer spun away from their partner,
knowing they have something to come back to
(i just don't know what yet)
isn't that the excitement of it all?
that i can spin and not know
the next movement, but i don't have to, yet
metaphors - can't you taste them -
i want to picture it all, want to
travel somewhere with just the thought,
that maybe the next steps of the dance won't be so scary
even when i look back
mirrors and paper mache, is what i feel like,
right now
like if a door was opened i'd get sucked through
the vortex without a second thought,
that's not such a bad thing
so, yes, i'm spinning, if you're wondering
good spinning, not bad.
just the swirling of lights like chandelier-dropped stars
until something catches hold of me,
we'll see