Little Brother
My family adopted my little brother from his brutally abusive birth parents, saving his life at a young age. Despite our unconditional love and professional counseling, he has grown to become an insecure preteen who lies constantly to win his peers' acceptance. He just wants friends. Sadly, he has experienced many years of cruel bullying at the hands of his classmates, so he fabricates stories in an attempt to impress people so they will like him.
My brother had been born with congenital defects, and he has survived many painful, high-risk surgeries. His life has been far from easy. He could have been bitter, could have even pitied himself, and it would have been understandable.
However, regardless of the deck he had been dealt, he is the most compassionate and empathetic person I know. And he is optimistic. I know he lies, but he has taught me a lot. I wish I was more like him. I love him, not only because he is my brother, but because he inspires me to be a better person.