To whom it may concern
Dear Reader, I wish I could tell you that you're going to survive this.
However circumstances have changed. I've looked at your deeds and it has been determined you deserve a ending. I know you don't know me and already dislike me, but so what? You see I was there when you cheated on your spouse certainly enjoyed yourself that day. Your kids are at your mom or aunt house aren't they? During night time you and your "friends" bullied someone to death though accidental. I can tell you regretted it after-all I was nearby recording the event as it unfolded. As the evidence piles up I won't personally destroy your life and legacy, but your husband may. I'll leave it to him, as I send him the 2 files of your cheating and the manslaughter. However I prefer a direct approach unfortunately you killed my sister. These are matters I'll handle before anyone else. By the way who that next to your car window? Oh its me!! When you get to hell tell him Kelles sent you. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Hah what a day.