The U Turn 01:34
She understood, to be sure, that U had two plus sides. The singular and the plural. Naturally, there is always the point of origination, and the area of trajectory. To be clear, the definition of a point drawn in motion— that is to say, mathematically, a line— as the connection from A to B. Like in a road map. Destinations. Though there might of course be detours or curves to navigate.
But philosophically speaking: Idea needs an Audience. The sound of a tree falling must be caught by someone, even if it breaks them both (in mind or body). And so, observing in the dark streets and glare of windowpane, she found at minimum the One that spoke "like this". A major point in the most minor aspect of the declarative; for those attentive to the patterning of it. Dot, by dot. Not that she was keeping exact track of who did what at the Taxi Company. The Second, she noted as the neighbour, theorising in practise as if from across real and imaginary divides, meaning land, water, and cartographical barriers.
Of course, a third angle is preferable, for the completion of the Triangle; that self-sustaining feedback boomerang loop. It could be said that this is where the passenger fit in, comfortably seated in observation. Not in a circle loop, as that would be entirely self-referential and nonpositional— perfection as it were— having no corners to obfuscate over. Those blind-spots of understanding, the distinctly different viewpoint and angle of another individual's perspective.
So, she postulated, there was You, U, and Us.
When looking to the right, one momentarily loses sight of the left, and on focusing there, temporarily loses sight of the right; save for occasional instances of uncommonly wide peripheral vision, especially in lean times. Otherwise, one indeed had the pleasant humming of idle pedestrian chatter through the cracks of the cab's windows.
Because generally speaking, U had this penchant for creating an abundance of points of interest in the ride as to reconstruct the Ouroboros, so numerous in vertebrae, as to make the angles effortless to traverse mentally, on route, since one would no longer be distracted by those afore mentioned identifiable peripheral angles. A family now, cross the landscape, though some might fear the "incestuous cesspool." A quip bantered over years past, perhaps by U himself, come to think of it. With deference. It made perfect sense in the Taxi, because as the Driver himself explained, all the roads connect and lead somewhere, even the seemingly dead ends, wherein one only need to go backward to reconnect to main Traffic again.