Where is the Line?
Between tolerance and standards
Between tolerance and decency
Between tolerance and the rules
That mark the rails
Upon which the train of civilization travails
I know all the talking points
I know all the rebukes
I used to fall on the left side
Of the political aisle
I remember what it was like
And now I watch
As they continue to descend into chaos
It’s almost like I…
Jumped off the train
Just as I noticed
The bridge was out
We’ve reached a point in our collective dysfunction
A sort of
Critical mass of madness
Where I can point out something happening
In the real world
That 20 years ago, would have been a film
Or a book
Describing some dystopian nightmare
And the response is always
“It’s the right thing to do.”
Just like the characters in those books
The actors in those films
Who believe with religious zeal
That this is the just and only way
To save the world
I hope the author of this story
Has thought of a better ending