A word I’m sure exists in German
What do you say
when you suddenly miss
a person who
hasn't been there in years
Someone who, somehow,
stopped existing
until a sudden memory sparked...
It isn't so hard in this day and age to have that feeling
We are constantly reminded of "memories"
old photos and videos that seem almost archaic now
I don't know why- the picture wasn't even of you
Felix, you were tucked away in the corner
Your hair slicked back and in a suit
That was all you could see- your back- in that photograph
from April
April 10, 2015
...about a year later, we stopped speaking
and I hated it
I learned a lot about myself
I continued to learn about myself
I felt naive and small and vulnerable and unloved
by my best friend who shared in all my
and stood by me anyway
Did I not notice because I was autistic?
Did you know that I was autistic, then? I didn't.
Did I not notice because I was taught
and groomed
by a pedophile
to ignore the atrocities of manipulation?
Did you know I was groomed?
I think I told you that night-
how much men had hurt me.
The painful things I had seen
and the forceful things I endured
but in your loving me
You still chose to hurt me
and break your promises.
Is it because I loved you?
Perhaps I did not love you
the way you had wanted
but you were my best friend
A role you created and casted yourself in
Of your own accord...
If you had asked, I would have given,
a different thing.
Was it because I was asexual?
I didn't know that until a few years later.
You, I'm sure, never knew and could've never guessed.
Well, I'm out: I'm demisexual.
I'm queer and here and have been since 2017.
I want to get married.
It makes me think of dancing.
That day way back in 2015 changed my life
and another day in 2016 changed it more
Why was high school so hard?
I stopped dancing, Felix. I missed you and it made me think of you.
I stopped being a good friend to people.
I still can't fully trust a person to love me
and all my strangeness,
especially as a friend.
I have 2.
An ex boyfriend and a kindred soul.
He, she, and I have not spoken in some time
for no particular reason
other than I am no longer a very good friend.
Yoz and Jas
I say your name
and I know your face
and I am sorry
for never being truly better.
That boy that I was with
The one who told me to block you
out of my life
for you were manipulating me
in ways I would have never seen...
He and I were partners for 7 years
and then he left one Mother's Day
for someone else
Yet I am writing about you, who I knew for far less time
I want to be married.
My partner lays across from me now
and he is beautiful.
He dances,
not very well, yet,
but we practice.
He cooks, and cleans, and sings
Although he is far better at listening
he is too much for me
and I am too much for him
but we share
the same weirdness
I still live with my parents.
You saved my life once,
did I ever tell you?
I hope you know that
when it gets very bad
(or got very bad,
I have not cried over a knife in the shower
in a very long time)
...I suppose therein lies the awkwardness
of the oversharing
the info and trauma dumping
the mental disease...
When it got very bad
I'd remember your voice
Why is the sky blue?
Did you know? What I was doing, then?
I missed you so much
I adopted a bit of your laugh
I can't change it now, the wheezing, smoker's cough like laugh
It's not quite yours and not quite mine
but it is there sometimes
However, it is there
less and less
I loved you so much.
Why did you hide?
Why did you lie?
How could you have not known...
I would have been happy
to have been your friend
and listened to your woes
and your worries
your fears were my own
but you hid them
and hurt me instead.
I justified our separation
by saying
that I was clingy
and you did not love me
as I had;
you did not hold me in your heart
as I had;
you did not see my face in the space between the stars
where I saw you
every night
that talk on my porch
you made and broke that promise
to stop hurting me.
I guess I was never a very good friend
but I know how to love someone.
I want to get married
and my partner knows me, all.
He knows of you, for he knows of all who have hurt me
He knows of my pain as well as my transgressions
He knows my fears and flaws
He wants me to be happy
but every time I think of a real wedding
One where he and I share our love
With "family and friends"
I think of that day
April 10th, 2015
and think I should perhaps elope
and run away
before any meddling hands can get in the mix
I did not eat that day, not well
I did not eat well any day after
not until I was 19.
Do you know what happened then?
I could have left home
I was on the right track
I was perfection
until I wasn't
and My Hands began.
My Hands,
they're a whole thing.
Doctors still don't know what happened
but I was bedridden- not hospitalized- for a year
I lost it
I lost me
I had more time to think about why the sky was blue
I loved you, so I looked for you.
I found you on Facebook tonight.
Did you know I kept your phone number?
I missed you. And I don't delete numbers.
You are not the only person I missed, dear,
but the first I had dared to love as closely as family
Darla... she was a good friend. I still write because of her.
Aure, in my yearbook and choir and dance and others who don't know why I cannot face them.
I am sorry my friends, you may never know.
My partner and I,
we are planning a nerd wedding.
We want to allow our guests to join in a huge themed DnD campaign
We want to theme the tables after our favorite fandoms
We want to dress the part and play the role
My husband-to-be
he may sing and cook and clean
but I dance and write and, well, I also sing and cook and clean
Where was I going with this?
Our wedding plans,
they are fantastical
so it is easy to see them in a fantasy
but now, tonight, I have seen-
I have relived-
the memories
of the 15th
The 15th year of this absurd life. Not to be dramatic but holy shit that party was a hot mess
I want to be married
but my wedding...
should not ever be like the 15th
It is a source of great fear for me.
I no longer enjoy celebrations of myself. I try, but that birthday stays in my mind, all the time.
It is easier
to be afraid
and to be
a not very good friend
a distant autistic
a hidden voice
a closeted fear
rather than let my wedding become
a repeat of the 15th
on April 10th, 2015
I am so afraid and I miss you and why did you do it?
Did you know? Did you?
How could you have known that this is something that I would think about
for the rest of time?
From then on, I never forgot.
I always wait for the next shoe to drop.
But I've finally found the one person
who makes those kinds of thoughts stop.
I want to get married and it makes me think of dancing
and that makes me think of you.
What do you say
when you suddenly miss
a person who
hasn't been there in years
Someone who, somehow,
stopped existing
until a sudden memory sparked...
is it
where reality can never satisfy the expectations of the mind?
is it
the feeling of being alone in the woods?
is it
longing for that which may or may not exist?
God, is it just nostalgia?
I don't know...
I just miss my friend.