The U Turn 01:29
She meant no offense whatsoever in her people watching. She wasn't typecasting, nor god forbid, casting judgement!! People are different. He appreciated the nuance as well and was a keen actor, and reactor; she knew, because to them Life was Theatre. There was no division between stage and audience. There was only Attention, as the gray area of demarcation.
When the driver introduced her to his wild girl Mimi, for example, she welcomed her in stride with acceptance and wonder. Took her card and Facebook friended her. All the while remembering sweetly how he had once, on a lazy damp night, drawn her out of the cab for some air near the Cinema. Mimi's picture was there, with stage name, and they looked together at the bright posters and flyers running also on social-media.
On a tangent, he suggested there's a difference between Film and Movies. It's difficult, and not, to discern quality, if taking a moment to assess the content. Everything comes with ad and ticket, and not everything is worth seeing to the end, though the trailer might look alright. Hm. She would dwell on that, on what makes an "imposter." Original thought in art versus mindless borrowing.
When he spoke of talking to the trees, she was wide-eyed and respectful. He had talent. She had belief. And the Taxi had great suspension. Nature was always talking to her, even in the City, and here they could listen together in a quiet respectful ride. She loved what he had told her recently, that other people's words could speak directly to, and through, in spirit. Afterall, not all borrowing is mindless.