Note to Selfie,
• We're having trouble writing music. From the fingers to the ear canal streaming. A hyperfocus has tied the tongue of our inner monologue into a permanent grimace of the deaf. The clock is broken in the mirror, and there is a face frozen in the cell (camera). Also, in reverse. Stuck here; Soundless smiling. In a thought-moment. The face says trust no one. Backwards. Forwards. Not even Self. A thousand cliques, and we've forgotten of whom it was, playing. Thus, a new compulsion. Listening. The post-it sticky. Peeled detachment; pulling. My notations tacked to the Internet. As abstraction. Notice the capital I in Internet. We're assuming that somewhere here the dilemma will be favorably resolved. Pulled up; interred. Tacked; netted. Maybe; Something for tomorrow. Worth hearing •