The U Turn 01:19
Without a doubt she had fallen.
She wouldn't call it anything. He wouldn't either. Too much skepticism for all parties. Prey? no. Not if she's willing. Not the loving way he set his traps, obvious enough to let her decide whether to trip them. And anyway, there was always second guessing.
Like when she made a playlist and sent it errantly by email. He'd listen, as a threesome. In hindsight, she'd deem it was after all only two of them there live paying attention, but there were so many ways to count beyond three people that logic could be carried in various directions. She and her dog and her cat. He and his two hounds.
The email sat in its inbox unopened.
But when the music ended, the lapdog uncurled its lips and words began pouring out. His words. On theme. Inspired one might say. If she hadn't sent it by email, already then, it would have been a dead giveaway. The net capsule had worked just as expected.