I heard a song from a band that saved me
I broke down north of Dahlonega,
In the Georgia heat.
With a broken heart and an ounce of weed.
I rolled a joint and took a draw and I settled back.
Another fuck up in another town. I found the flask in my console and drank it down. Roll backs and Ubers and Oregon bud. The driver was young. Dark skinned and bored with life. It was evident as we spoke our hellos. I took a sip from my flask and settled on the nearest bar. The ride was quiet, for the most. He said I smelled like weed and Chanel and I handed him a bud before I slipped away. A small smile and a nod and I found myself alone.
Trapped back in my mind. Too much inside to sort out. Intrusive thoughts and my mistakes. I wondered inside the bar and ordered a Woodford and a Black and Tan, a perfect Chaser to another lost day.
The band was playing, a backdrop beat. Some soundtrack to my life. I was studying the walls, portraits of random souls...they'd probably passed through and found their home here. Scatter phrases on the wall, in too many hands to count. Their words say their like a ghost of what had been.
I was lost in another time when the rhythm caught my ear.
I turned away. Some makeshift band from out of town. But...the harmonica drifted into my mind. A soothing sound amidst the bedlam in my Brain.
The frontman had a drawl... something Appalachian and raw. It brought me home...back to the foothills of my youth. I ordered another round and let the music have me. It turned my heart inside out and stroked my open wounds. Healing me from some unknown tug a war. I didn't know it then but it saved me.