I see me, but what version do I see?
Do I see the same Me, that you see when you see me? I see me, the version I see, is but a pretty woman, not beautiful or gorgeous, just pretty. A woman that's a little plump but not so much that it's displeasing to the eye. A woman with a spark and shine in her eye as if she knows what she knows and she's sure to show you. A spark and a smile, a shine that is bright and will always be seen. That is what I see when I see me. This is what I glimpse when I catch just a bit of my reflection in my peripheral vision. I also see a pretty but plain woman. A basic person that probably needs to loose weight. Nothing more, Nothing special. For which do others see I think soley remains in the manner I protray myself. At times I'm loud and boisterous, opinionated and well you'll never forget me and others I'm quiet and stay hidden from site. This isn't a manipulation on my part it's just a matter of how confident or safe I feel in my environment. And that's who I see in the mirror. As complex as that may be, I can't be just one.