July Drabble Challenge: MURRICA
Tell me a story tied to the USA in exactly 100 words. Winning entry will be selected by me and will be a prose, not poetry, submission. Wow me with your lean, mean, American tale in honor of the Fourth of July. Take it in a patriotic direction, an ironic spin, tell a war story, or examine the modern United States with a critical eye (or all of the above). Tie in to the theme in any creative storytelling way you can. I'll read and judge the entries in early August.
Murrica take my child
On this 4th of July I have thanks for my freedom. I spoke to my twenty one year old daughter. She got all patriotic and joined the Navy. She's serving America in a way I've never contributed to my nation. I'm thankful we have many fearless and courageous souls that willing enter the military and train to protect our freedom. My daughter passed BMT with flying colors and a sharp shooter badge. She then passed Air traffic controller school, ranked number 2, the hardest Academic program in military. Now deployed, I won't see for three years. Murrica, take my child.