My Brother’s Keeper
“It’s getting hot. Let me drive you guys.” My mom called from her home office.
“You know, I could always drive… the library is not that far…” I had to try.
“Nope. It’s only a permit. Besides, you know you can’t drive with your brother in the car.”
Crap. It’s only two weeks until my driver’s license appointment.
“Okay," I sigh loudly "We’re hoofin’ it. No big deal.”
“Wear hats and take water bottles. Text me when you get there. Keep an eye on your brother.” She pleaded, peeking her head out of her office doorway.
Like I wouldn’t. It’s all I ever do: keep an eye on The Oblivious One. My mom clings to worry like a talisman. As if letting it slip from her hands meant inviting “something bad” to happen.
“Okay, Safety Sue…” I mumbled under my breath, walking away.
“I heard that.”
Wow. How did she even hear that? Her hearing is as stellar as ever.
“Love you, Mom.”
“Bye Momma!” My little brother called out in his annoying Texan twang as we left. His voice had changed recently, but it still cracked in strange places when he spoke. Freaking hilarious when it did. And when is he going to stop calling her “Momma”, like a baby? Gross.
Dear God, please tell me I was not that awkward when I was that age.
We walked out of our planned community and onto the main road. Four lanes and a center turning lane. I wished I were driving instead.
I heard the honking ahead of us before I could see what was happening. The danger soon came into view. A white, flatbed work-type truck was driving erratically and too fast. Weaving into oncoming traffic, traveling in our direction.
SHIT. No time.No time.No time.
I looked at my brother, walking slowly—always so damn slow! Fumbling with his water bottle lid. Not even paying attention to his surroundings as usual! Can he not hear the commotion?! I felt instant annoyance and gripping fear.
Unless the truck suddenly did something completing unexpected and even possibly defied physics, it was going to hit us. Immediately. I thought about Trig class. Yeah. I didn’t need any fancy calculations right now to tell me we were about to get crushed.
No time.No time. We’re about to die RIGHT NOW.
I grabbed my little brother by the scruff of his t-shirt and by the back waist of his jeans. I hefted his thin body roughly over the guardrail on our right, swearing at myself for skipping the bench press lately. He let out a strangled, mixed cry of surprise and anger. His cry quickly morphed into noises of pain as he landed, tumbling violently down a slight embankment.
Tuck and roll, bro. Protect your face and head. We’ll worry about the rest later.
I heard the truck’s engine nearing as I remembered that hurdles were not my event. Turns out, they’re even harder to pull off from a standing position. I didn’t clear it. My left foot caught on the guardrail. I tensed up, not knowing which impact to expect first: the ground or the speeding truck.
Time’s up.
I know a lot of people say their lives flash before their eyes when they are in mortal danger. That wasn’t the case for me. Besides rapid-fire associations having to do with the immediate situation at hand, all my memories were of my little brother:
Feeding him as a baby.
Helping him take his first wobbly steps.
Cutting food in half and giving him the smaller piece.
Pushing him on the swings at the park.
Me taking his Legos.
Him taking my Naruto books.
My jealousy of how he could pick up any instrument and play it skillfully.
The two of us sneaking candy into the movie theater.
Laughing at stupid videos together on family road trips.
All I knew at that moment was that I could not let anything happen to him. I didn’t even think of myself for once. I thought of the worry in my mom’s eyes this morning before we left. I thought of how I’d rather die than have to tell her I had lost my little brother.
I tumbled hard as the sound of twisting metal and splintering wood took residence in my ears alongside the pounding whoosh of my rapid pulse. I had come to rest in a patch of fading bluebonnets, hurting, but alive. My little brother was now sitting up, rubbing his bloody elbow and taking inventory of the damage to his knee. He looked around for his glasses that had been knocked off during his fall. I hurt all over, but I’d take a look at my injuries later. I helped my brother to his feet. People were now gathering around the accident scene on the hillside just above us, trying to help the trapped driver, and calling for EMS.
“Whoa… Momma’s gonna freak OUT, right?”
I paused, wondering if there was any way we could NOT tell her. Negative.
“You bet your ass she will. You have no idea.”