The 7 deadly Devils
Lust is a seductive deceitful fellow. It'll confuse you and make you think you may actually love somebody.
Greed gets a person thirsty for all things, everything. A must have even though you don't need it or have more than enough and that should satisfy you but it doesn't. It'll have you hoarding and storing up the mountain of goods, ignoring the neighbour, any person, who doesn't have any, knows not what they'll eat tonight much less tomorrow.
Gluttony fills herself with those goods, she'll cook and eat or maybe she'll order out. Eating excessively till the body size increases, soon it's blown up and out of control.
Wrath, extreme rage, unforgiving, a scorching heat rises inside you, action immediately follows. It'll have you making 'lifetime of regret' decisions in a split second.
Pride is arrogance in a nutshell. The ego would be highly inflated so you'd have no room to listen to anyone else besides yourself. It'll have you say, do and think things that you shouldn't, making you seem foolish.
Envy, surpassing jealously and taking a deadly turn. The green- eyed monster feels bitterness and deeply desires the possessions of another. She's a selfish lady.
Sloth gets you apathetically inactive. It'll make you avoid virtuous behaviour like the plague, making you stay away.
We're all human so we'll not be immune to these seven deadly sins. Strictly speaking it's a battle each day against sin and these represent everything God hates but thankfully, we can fight against them in Jesus' name.