Why Is Everyone Scared of Shadows?
Why is everyone scared of the shadows?
The ones lurking in the corners of our rooms, slipping from shade to shade in the dead of night. Peacefully sitting in silence and softly moving so as to not disturb us.
Why is everyone scared of the shadows?
The simple and sweet things which creep around us at night. Whether it be while we are sleeping or walking along a silent path in the moonlight.
Why is everyone scared of the shadows?
To me they are family. Watching over me as I sleep. Protecting me at my most vulnerable. Creeping up to my bedside to guard me, and singing soft whispers of their people as I fall into the realm of sleep.
Why is everyone scared of the shadows?
They are gentle creatures who observe and protect. They whisper the secrets of the world to each other, and they would whisper them to you if you just listened.