"In addition, and Furthermore, and Maybe also that Very Interesting Information(Info.), and/or Perhaps also that Very Interesting News. Maybe for example."
"Definition of INTERESTING [Maybe for example.]
Definition of INTERESTING www.merriam-webster.com
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
5 minutes ago
Have any human races or [Perhaps those Particular?] ethnic groups ever become extinct?
Have any human races or ethnic groups ever become extinct? www.quora.com
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
21 minutes ago
That time [Maybe that Particular?] Bill Gates got pie in his face ⇌ LOGiCFACE
That time Bill Gates got pie in his face ⇌ LOGiCFACE logicface.co.uk
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
25 minutes ago
Why is the official motto of [Maybe that Particular?] Israeli Mossad "By way of deception thou shalt do war"?
Why is the official motto of Israeli Mossad "By way of deception thou shalt do war"? www.quora.com
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Brandon Katrena
Brandon Katrena
28 minutes ago
Why did [Maybe that Particular?] Bill Gates get pie thrown at him?
Why did Bill Gates get pie thrown at him? www.quora.com
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