Prince Charles: A Royal Vampire?
When you think of a vampire, you might think about "The Vampire Diaries" or maybe a bit more old-fashioned "Dracula", the origin of the vampire stories.
Whoever created the myth of vampires took too many drugs, maybe even been an alcoholic. Or maybe they wanted to create an extra-ordinary explanation for something ordinary that happened in their life, but that they wouldn't understand.
But who judges what is ordinary and what isn't? A trip to the moon is ordinary, animals that can breathe underwater are ordinary. People going to work for five days a week until they might die is ordinary.
We live in a world of cause and effect. But maybe that's just something we believe in to keep us "sane", maybe we see something as a cause, that isn't a cause. It just happened to be there, but it has nothing to do with the effect.
And maybe there is a logical reason for vampires who don't feel welcome in the sunlight. Or for them, lunging for blood instead of an animal's flesh, like we humans do. I mean, is that so hard to believe?
Who of you experienced something that wasn't built on a cause and seemed to be a miracle?
Maybe the vampires are a bloodline, and maybe one of them is the future King of England. Bram Stoker's story "Dracula" (1897) had an inspiration. And that inspiration was the 15th-century Romanian prince, Vlad the Impaler, who is, according to the Prince of Wales, an ancestor of him.
Maybe Vlad the Impaler was one of the first vampires. Maybe Vampires aren't what we imagine them to be, like super-fast and that they can't see themselves in the mirror. But maybe they exist. A hundred years ago, we didn't believe in the technology we have today. So maybe the world isn't ready for it yet, but who knows if there might be vampires who don't like sunlight and have other powers we couldn't even imagine. And I mean we all know that the government hides a lot of things, so what is one more secret, anyway?
@danceinsilence thanks for the great idea to write about a Conspiracy Theory. This is my article caused by that idea.