This is an experience
If you are afraid
Then leave
“What are you doing here?”
I heard a strange voice. It wasn't strange in a scary way. It was strange because it sounded un-human. I didn't answer because I was still trying to take in my surroundings. It was so empty but so full? Does that make sense?
The ground was an outdated carpet. Just like the one in my mothers house. The walls were made of a high pitched frequency. It burned my ears.
I heard another voice say “What are you doing here?” This voice was different from the last one. This one was definitely human. It sounded familiar in a way. “You know what i’m doing here” I screamed out. suddenly my eyes started to spin and I was laying on the ground.
There was someone- something in front of me. The figure contained no face. “Don't be scared little one” the figure tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, and then fizzled away into nothingness. Suddenly the roof was gone. And I was looking up at a lake. But the water wasn't falling. It was doing the exact opposite. It was floating in pieces around the room.
The water was a deep blue. Like someone colored it. I felt uneasy when the water faded away and I was standing again. A little girl was on my shoulders whispering “don't worry mommy, i’ll see you when we reach the end” she handed me a clock. It wasn't plugged into a wall yet it was still working. She wrapped the excess cord around my ankle and mumbled “good luck” with crazy eyes before flying away through the ceiling.
I looked at the clock that was given to me. There was something carved into the back “don't lose time, or you’ll forget to leave '' Leave? How do I leave? I walked around the empty room hoping for something. But there was nothing to be found. I opened a window and looked outside. He was watching. I closed the window and my breathing changed. Someone climbed over beside me and said “fall” what?
The figure disappeared. And suddenly I hit the ground, people were screaming around me all I could hear was millions of people screaming “you’re home, you’re home” I closed my eyes and I was suddenly on a plane.
why so much so soon?
Except the plane wasn't flying. It was falling. Falling up into the sky. That doesn't make much sense? Suddenly he was watching me again. He blinked and I fell into a little red room. It was a deep red. This room was full unlike the many others.
There was so much to do. Why would I want to escape? I rolled around on the floor and I felt like a little kid again. Oh no.