Sounds rolled off her tongue
Like a waterfall in her young mouth,
Every night spent awake
Every smile she gave that dark ceiling over her consciousness
Every lip numbing hummmm
She sang to that kind sky
Clinging to her pink blanket.
She sits, grasping her cloth shield
Locked away in the yellowing
pages of my mind
New paragraphs changing her story into mine.
Dark white leers on my memories
A sky
A ceiling
That makes my skin crawl
Pinned down by my own
Three letter prison sentence
That did not roll off my lips
But tore and shredded it's way,
Forced out of me.
The young girl from those
Old pages in my head
Sits confused
She no longer has a place in
My changed mind, so different from
The fertile earth she used to walk.
Changed not out of choice.