Love Hasn’t Changed Me.
I still despise winter.
The cold that seems to creep through even your third layer of clothes
Although now I find myself with you
Pressing our faces against the icy glass
waiting for the snow.
I long for those days where the sky seems higher than usual
and the wind whips mercilessly over the road
and your cheeks and nose turn pink
like a porcelain doll.
I have yet to enjoy the outdoors,
Noxious bugspray and hard-packed dirt,
and yet I stand on a summit
and feel the tons of rock beneath me,
the world stretched below in miniscule glory,
Feeling at peace and a bit sweaty, with you.
The soap operas I hate become comedies
You twist the words into jokes
Glancing over to see me laugh.
We cook instead of takeout,
dancing barefoot to the hum of the oven
Waiting for the timer to cry
and announce the arrival of dinner.
Love hasn't changed me
but again and again,
I find myself different.