Our Purpose Upon This Rock
Let's try and put this into words
You and I are here to live,
born to live
but do we all have freedom?
Sadly, the answer is no...
Then what is our purpose?
If we are bound by chains that we did not choose to be with-
Look within and ask yourself this, "Then what is purpose"
That which we cannot have we must work for?
For humans, purpose is something we learn to identify and structure as we grow and age.
To be frank, our purpose is to find meaning and to look for an answer to what our (individual) hearts seek.
Money, fame, glory, happiness and so much more... all of these things and sometimes, even being able to breathe is our purpose.
This is something that cannot be covered and said with one meaning, no. "Our purpose" is something beyond what an individual can imagine, we (our) is something grand but individualy we can find our own purpose.
To live and see what is beyond, that is my purpose.
Thank you.