The Ten Momandments Unveiled!
1. Mother knows best.
No, she does not.
2. A child is better off with their mother.
Not inherently true.
3. No one loves a child like their mother.
Maybe, but that doesn't mean a mother loves the child the "best".
4. A mother wants what is best for her children.
And also what is best for herself, her reputation, her own values and viewpoints.
5. When you become a mom you just know what to do.
No you don't, please take some classes and ask for help.
6. Being a mom is an incredibly underrated, underappreciated job.
Maybe if you don't have nannies and birth control.
7. It would be easier being a mom if dad would help out more.
And grandparents. And friends. And neighbors. And senators. It takes a village.
8. You'll thank your mom for this one day.
Probably not.
9. Your mom hopes you have a child just like yourself and suffer the way she has suffered.
Yes, you already know this. Jokes on her because you're getting sterilized!
10. Being a mom is the best job in the world.
So is being a single, childless CEO cowgirl astronaut pinup spy.