With wind colder than her heart of stone,
She embarked.
They said the journey was too far,
No one could make it alone;
Over steep mountains down into valleys
Where not a soul had ever escaped.
She still embarked.
With stars leading her into the unknown,
Our heroine went on.
The walks were long, her legs were tired,
But she never gave up.
Days went by, what if they were right?
Would she make it?
Our heroine still went on.
But then, in the dark of the night,
She made it.
Illuminated by the constellations above,
There it was.
She found who she was supposed to be,
It was there before her.
She had made it.
You may ask, what did she find?
Why did she go where no one
believed she could?
Why was she so cold?
There is one answer for everything,
All of the questions you're silently asking.
She found herself.
She went because she wanted to find herself.
She was so cold because she didn't know who she was.
Identity builds a person up as a child builds a tower,
It tears down the same way.
Everything is a matter of finding who you are,
And who you wish to become.