I love you
What if all God ever wanted me to write was as simple as “I love you”? What if that truth could sink in deeper than any sorrow we've ever known? Think about your daily inner dialogue, do you regularly tell yourself that you're unworthy? That you're fat? That you wouldn't date you?
What if the people who have hurt you stopped having so much power over you? What if you learned to wholly trust in Jesus’ name? Seriously, what if all God ever wanted me to write was, “I love you”?
Would that change the way you view yourself? Would it make you go on a quest to discover how God sees you? Would it make you actively pursue that vision? Could it have the power to rock your world back toward the power God intended you to have?
Why have we allowed the enemy to steal our worth? Why have we allowed him to convince us that the way others see us is bigger truth than God's perspective? How has he so cunningly deceived us? And why do we continue to let him do so?
What if all God wants you to grasp is how high and deep and wide His love for you is? Does that change anything for you? And if it doesn't, just yet, how can you allow it to? How can you open up your heart and let the fullness of Christ's love for you sink in?
What if all God ever wanted me to write is “I love you”? Would you take Him at His word? Or would you laugh at me?