Write an Obituary for someone you love.
My mom died recently, and I wrote her obituary. I knew the day was coming, and I already had some ideas, so I didn't worry about untimely writer's block. This month's challenge isn't a drabble, instead, I want you to rough-draft an obituary for someone you love. The no-parents-left club is one we all have to join some day, and the membership dues kinda suck. Keep this project under a couple thousand words, just like most obituaries need to be (otherwise they cost a shit-load of money to publish). Brevity is almost always better. Please use standard prose and normal grammar and punctuation. Winner gets a prize, and I'll pick the entry I like best in early March.
Ends March 1, 2025 • 3 Entries • Created by Ferryman in Nonfiction
Monthly Nonfiction Challenge for April.
Walking through NYC in fall, you,re looking at the changing season, the colors, and cutting through the park. Write about this. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -Give us the beautiful reality, or the other way.
Ended April 30, 2024 • 7 Entries • Created by Prose in Nonfiction
Monthly Nonfiction Challenge for March.
Give us your own beginning to a story of you, starting wherever you think is best: Childhood, your first job, your first love, heartbreak, adventure. Tell us about you, the real story. The truth is interesting enough. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00 -We're your roast. Baste us.
Ended March 31, 2024 • 22 Entries • Created by Prose in Nonfiction
You are sent to prison. You are through intake and sent to your cell. Describe what you think the routine would be and the environment you imagine you are doing it in. Be as detailed about guard and inmates routine and actions as you can. I've been to prison twice. I'll choose winner based on who I think closest resembles my experience. 10 bucks to the winner ends in 30 days
Ended September 17, 2023 • 14 Entries • Created by GentlmanBastard in Nonfiction
share it!
What is some of the best writing advice you have ever received? It can be from you or from anyone else. Any genre, but special consideration for brainstorming tips. :)
Ended June 5, 2023 • 12 Entries • Created by NK in Nonfiction
a mother's love
what is something your mother/parent taught you that you will never forget? any format :)
Ended May 19, 2023 • 13 Entries • Created by sushishi in Nonfiction
famous last words
you can say anything to anyone dead or alive. what do you tell them?
Ended May 18, 2023 • 3 Entries • Created by sushishi in Nonfiction
For the Love of Dog
Tell me all about your beloved pooch. What's their name? What kind of dog are they? What's their personality like? Feel free to share a story about them. Maybe something funny they did one time, or maybe about their resilience, or how they've helped you in life. Please tag me. I want to read all about them.
Ended May 2, 2023 • 10 Entries • Created by rosetempest in Nonfiction
Decisions, Decisions.
Write about the hardest decision you had to make. Describe your feelings in that situation. Nonfiction only. If you are going to cuss please use **.
Ended March 15, 2023 • 6 Entries • Created by Renebean10 in Nonfiction
Valentine's Day
What's something you like to do on Valentine's Day, either with someone or by yourself?
Ended February 28, 2023 • 0 Entries • Created by Harry_Situation in Nonfiction
Describe someone to me
Someone you love, someone you barely know, someone interesting, your call.
Ended February 20, 2023 • 7 Entries • Created by HelenaTherese in Nonfiction
Weekly Challenge!
Write a piece about travel deep into Mexico, and the contrast to your own country. If you live in Mexico, write a piece about traveling into deep Texas, and the contrast to your home.
Ended January 15, 2023 • 1 Entry • Created by Prose in Nonfiction
Quotes from kids
As many as you like! Kids are pretty spontaneous and some very interesting things pop into their heads.
Ended December 22, 2022 • 7 Entries • Created by HelenaTherese in Nonfiction
The most pleasing
What is the sound that is the most pleasant sound to a person? Is it your favorite singer's song coming on the radio, or is it the sound of applause after you worked hard on a show, or is it a rainstorm as you are heading to bed? What about that sound is so pleasant?
Ended November 7, 2022 • 11 Entries • Created by RosemarieThorn in Nonfiction
True Terror
What's a ghost story or urban legend you may have heard about growing up in your community?
Ended October 28, 2022 • 1 Entry • Created by Harry_Situation in Nonfiction
What do you remember on 9/11?
Ended September 12, 2022 • 1 Entry • Created by Harry_Situation in Nonfiction
Traces of Songs that stayed
The song that evokes you to go through your memory lane over and over again.
A deep memory that was engraved somewhere you couldn't ignore.
Either a positive or a negative one. Write about how that song became something so deep to you years later.
Ended September 11, 2022 • 9 Entries • Created by Evnoia_Emi in Nonfiction
"You" in a Nutshell
If you were to write a headline or tagline about yourself (think of Nike’s “Just do it” or Apple’s “Think Different”), what would it be and why?
Ended September 22, 2022 • 10 Entries • Created by KMCassidy in Nonfiction
Would you rather...
...fight a chicken every time you get into a car, or an orangutan once a year with a sword?
Ended August 12, 2022 • 8 Entries • Created by fudo in Nonfiction
What is your favorite move
Movies. What is a child hood movie that you have watched a hundred times, but know that you older you understand the deeper meaning of it.
Ended July 31, 2022 • 2 Entries • Created by Shaykie in Nonfiction