Sing me a song for the hollow dead
echoes in their eyes, dust for lungs
the anguish of distance and the greyness
of a sky heavy with rain. Sing to me
church bell goodbyes. Sing the way that
willows will bend, the shape of the earth.
Sing a song for the hollow-eyed living,
a hymn for the saved, or something that
sounds like salvation, or just the sounds
of sheets against the mattress, the hush of
a lover sleep-softened, a sudden startling
coldness to that side of the pillow.
Sing me a new day. Sing me renewal.
Today, she turned to me and said,
"How do you know that I'm real?"
The static in my ears rumbled
It's hazy beat, a mechanical heart
Gripped by some magnetic fear.
The trees were silent and
Oh so blinding, oh, bleeding,
Too full of life to be anything but dead.
I knelt down to feel the stony ground,
And it laughed at me, running away
Like a child playing a game of tag.
Today, she turned to me and said,
"Do you know what is real?"
If I could show what he meant to me
Behind eyelids, stars would form
From dust and fire and pain
An all-consuming emotion, devotion
If I could let you know what he is
There would be no such things as
Shadows, a light touches every
Blank corner of my chambered heart
If you could hear his honey-sweet speech
You might know love that is beyond love
The cactus flower blooms once a year,
And then withers in only a night
When there is no one around
To give witness to its passing.
In this suburb, yards either hold
Pebbles dumped by the ton in space
That did not need the gross intrusion,
Or grass and sprinklers and the
Wasteful act of preserving pretension.
The cactus will live for decades
In this suburb I now leave behind me.
I am not sure I know how to miss it.