Sleep Paralysis
Dark house, lights out,
Long night, alone now,
Shadows move, rooms black,
Strange noise, moving about,
Heavy air, frozen feet,
Something lurks, between the sheets,
Eyes wide, skin cold,
Deep breath, long hold,
Not alone, emerging face,
Helpless, stuck in place,
Another night, darkness,
Sleeping paralysis
Amazon Chest
The Amazon chest I ordered last week
was mistakenly delivered to a house down the street.
This got me to thinking about what’s in a name.
What’s Amazon mean besides the longest river
and the preposterous claim
about female warriors stripped of a breast
from left side of their Amazonian chests
so they could shoot arrows along with the best.
Yet neither breasts nor boobs bound or removed
help female archers or in any way improve
their shooting or fighting or even delighting
and now with all the plastic polluting that’s frightening
I’m questioning all I’ve been taught in school.
Indeed, what I’ve learned makes me mostly a fool.
So it may be time to be taught once again
about all the ideas I thought were my friends.
And what do you think? Are we on the brink
of usurping mentations that we all thought were in sync?
I’m smarter, more successful
Also sadder, more stressful
Pit fever burning
waiting and yearning
Stomach dropped nerves
no straight lines
it‘s all curves
taking me at breakneck speed
I should be on top of the world
but I’m chasms deep
high pressure
high stakes
low faith
another mistake
time ticking to the dead line
my brain screaming it’s not fine
guilt sits, Atlas shrugged
anger burns, anxiety runs
Possible Side Effects Include Stroke
i think i need jardiance
or skyrizi
i can't get the fuckin jingles
out of my head
i wake up singing
i take once-daily jariance
at each day's start
and i like it
i fucking like it
they say he'll topple democracy
unless a porn star topples him
he's gonna free all those bad guys
if he's president
he says they're hostages
the other guy's just gonna die
and then she'll be president
and no one likes her
she does laugh too much
nothing is everything
it might make me commit suicide
or give me suicidal ideation
someone else could kill me too
like a well regulated militia
who hasn't had any pussy
and std's are rampant too
that's my real plan
or someone'll carjack me
and i'll try to fight back
the migrants are gonna
take my job anyway
or maybe i'll get laid off
due to ageism
and then i'll join a class action lawsuit
for nothing
or ai might make me obsolete
i'd like to kill an ai
i hope i don't get dupuytren's contracture
noninvasive treatment but still
does it matter any more
if i live in a flood plain
if a year's worth of rain
falls in a day?
i think my testicles are shrinking
Sad day on Earth
Hello Prose family
For the last two weeks I have been looking to hear from Danceinsilence (William Pate).When I didn't hear back from him I checked on here and hospitals in NC and on Instagram. Nothing until today. I decided to call the police and had them to do a wellness check on him. The police called me back and told me that he passed away on the 25th of July but they found him in his apartment on the 28th. His investigation is pending and they wouldn't tell me how he passed. He was 76.
He was a lot of people friend on here so please leave your memories for his soul to take with him. I cried enough tears to fill a coffee pot and my face is swollen. Please give tribute and check out his writings. He was a genius and the coolest person I knew, and he will be missed! :(
Don’t Tell Me to Smile
I have always hated it. Nothing irks me quite so much as when a stranger, who happens to be taking up space where I am, looks at me boastfully, with a cocky grin, and says, "Come on, smile. Don't be so serious. It's not that bad."
Like really?! Does this person, someone I've never laid eyes on, happen to roam the recesses of my mind to know what I'm thinking? Or does that person have an inkling what is front and center in my life?" If I want to frown, by God, I'll do it, and I'll do it damn well! And don't be so freaking cocky to tell me otherwise! Sheesh!
So, yeah, I've absolutely spent 98% of my life (and I'm damn old, so that's a lot of years) being serious. Still, I can laugh with the best of them, especially if I've had a few gin and tonics. No one enjoys a joke more than me or multiple bouts of belly laughs recalling memories with my bestie. Hell, I can even laugh at myself on occasion (I've always heard you might as well laugh with the masses, especially if they're laughing at you!). Still, if I had my druthers, I'd choose seriousness over laughter. I mean, who wouldn't - in all serious earnestness - pick seriousness over laughter when you can contemplate current world affairs, decode the thoughts running rampant in your teenage (alien) daughter's psyche, question your partner's daily (and nightly) activities, or chew on the idea of what your co-worker has been saying about you? Opposed to laughing, this type of attitude is a sure win in my book and pretty much a necessity in this life, too.
It all comes down to the fact that being full of giggles and glee is highly overrated. After all, has anyone proven that laughter is good for the soul? So go ahead....prove me wrong. Until then, I'll just be seriously contemplating the philosophy of life....and what I'll eat for supper.
Negligee is the most beautiful word in the English Language to me although the French made the word. Negligee in my mind is spelled wrong yet it looks right and is pronounced awkward. With the two EE's with a hyphen at the end to pronounce AA's, changed its introduction.
Yet, it's a beautiful appearance to a sleepwear outfit to describe the sexy mood of a woman. When she is presented in this awkward word, she is seen as a Beautiful flawless vision of sexual intentions. So I will say it again, Negligee is not only beautifully named, but also beautifully presented in any language, thus being the most perfect word in the English Language.