Figuratively Insurmountable
The lengths one goes to
Unpretentiously mocks you
Shame. Why it haunts you
Ignorance is bliss
Stupor-power? Hit or miss
Karma’s a cold bitch
Those famous last words
Again I quote “Nevermind”
Listen the first time!
No needless rehash
Crack wise and silence feedback
Muted and murdered
Scuttled rebuttals
Two cents says what of others
A pillow smothers
If I Could Say Goodbye
If I could say goodbye to everything,
The first thing that I’d do
Is say goodbye to all the pain
That ripped me right into.
I’d watch and wave as it floats away,
While every tear I’ve ever cried
Is carried down a winding river
Flowing to the other side.
The memories that torment me
Every day and every night
Would be gone into eternity
And I wouldn’t have to fight.
The fight is what’s making it
Hard to even breathe
The heavy chest and gasps for air-
A daily thing for me.
I try so hard to be okay,
I swear to God I do...
But I know it’s not enough
To bring me back to you.
Don’t worry though, I won’t give up.
And here’s the reason why,
I couldn’t bring this pain to you
If I really were to say goodbye.
#poetry #mentalhealthawareness
The Robber
Fear has never been so tangible,
In the land known for welcome kindness.
It reeks from the eyes of every stranger,
As we leap and dance to each avoid the other.
Wringing our hands with soap and water,
And wearing masks that everyone can see.
Desperate to escape the dreaded virus,
From which there seems no reprieve.
Everyone seems guilty now,
There is no innocence found.
Suspicion is in our very breath,
We wear it like a crown.
We are aching to once again be normal,
But fear creeps in again.
Normal will be a new surreal,
The robber reigns supreme.
#covid19 #fear #newnormal #poetry #washyourhands
A letter to the old me
Dear young one,
It is ok to fail.
You are allowed to bend and break and grow and shrink and sink.
It won’t diminish your worth.
And you won’t stay that way for long.
You’re too stubborn for that.
It’s ok to say no.
You don’t have to date the guy who makes you feel uncomfortable just because he asked.
You don’t need to drown in responsibly for other people to like you.
It’s ok to take a breath now and then.
If you spend a weekend on the couch with a box of sweets, that doesn’t mean you are weak.
And it’s ok if it takes you a long time to learn all these lessons.
You are strong.
You are loved
And it gets better.
Future Me