I found infinity in your embrace
breathing deeply, our hearts start to race
I found nirvana in the curve of your neck
a moment of completion, I’m no longer a wreck
For a moment, time is endless and caresses her children
A second or two equals a trillion
I found myself in loving you
Infinite me’s all find their ways to infinite you’s
Infinite love across an infinite plane
The kind of magic that alters the brain
And allows us to feel the weight of infinity
while we bask in true love’s divinity
Pursuit of Happiness
Drunken nights well spent
Chasing drinks till everyone's my friend
But my mind keeps wandering to you again
How can I remember your touch last night
I can't even begin to retrace my steps
Everything's out of order and life’s a mess
But for an instant I grasped happiness in my hands
And in the morning it’s gone again
Take me back, back to the days
intertwined fingers and misheard lyrics on the radio
Take me back, back to the nights
Of hysteric laughter and nothing matters but you
Oh the way you make the nights and days flutter by
You promised me you'll never say goodbye
Yet here I am
With nothing left of you
Take me back, back to that day
Standing on my tiptoes for my very first kiss
Take me back, back to that night
My heart beat faster as we mastered making love
Oh you stand out from all the other guys
You promised me you'll never say goodbye
Yet here I am
With nothing left of you
usually when i fuck up my life exercise clears my mind, drugs tend to leave your system after 48 hour fasts and nonstop cardio fueled by hatred... but this time i am already sober and the exercise and fasting just leaves me with painfully sharp clarity that cuts my mind into unintelligible pieces
I thought I could put your pieces back together, before it’s too late and too many pieces are lost. Maybe you’d be slightly different but you’d still have a semblance of the man I fell in love with. But now, you’ve turned angry, the smile that used to come easily now hides in fear of you. You don’t care about me, it’s clear to see now. I gave everything to you, and I’m empty.