Broken, Broken,...
Rapid heart beat,
Eyes blink, blink, then blink.
Downward soul,
Hurt sinking lower, lower.
Stomach taunt,
Bile rising slowly, slowly.
Despair entrenched,
Roots running deep, deeper still.
Tears fall like rain,
Waterfall cheeks rolling, rolling.
Coldness inside,
Emotions pushed down, down.
Thoughts overturned,
Feelings of dark, darkness.
Goodness strolls away,
Courage run, run, running.
It gets better,
That's what everyone says, said, saying.
Time goes by,
Things keep change, changed, changing.
Sadness closes in,
Moments of dread, dreading.
Keep a sound head,
Keep going, going, going.
I don't know why,
I wrote, am writing, have written.
Maybe it's to feel alive,
Feel something, anything, everything.
In life, no one really listens,
But you must try, try, try.
2/28/24 (a leapyear) 3:49am (EST)
Making Bread is Poetry (inspired by SaraF’s A recipe for me)
Making bread is easy, some say.
Add water to flour and don't forget the yeast,
unless pita bread is what you eat,
stir, knead and let rise before you bake.
That's all it takes!
Some say the same about poetry.
Put a word here, a metaphor there,
add a rhyming couplet,
and you're home free!
Poets would certainly disagree.
Like poetry, making bread is artistry.
Make sour dough bread
and you will see
that it takes time like poetry,
to get there mouth-watery.
Preparing a starter with wild yeast
is definitely the way to go,
for aroma, texture and flavour,
I'm sure you know.
After a week of fermenting and refreshing,
the starter is ready to make dough.
Knead it gently and lovingly,
for good gluten elasticity.
Leavening, shaping and proofing
affect its structure and texture,
and every loaf's personality:
Round, oblong, puffy or bubbly.
When that golden-brown poem,
has become a crusty reality,
the result is sumptuous music,
a divine delicacy!
Smell its fresh-baked aroma,
feel its crustiness and suppleness,
taste its spirit and soul!
Like manna from heaven,
inspiring and sustaining
after a soulless day.
These Days....
I feel as if our days of present are just flat out giving us the finger
they seem to be somewhere between the Twilight Zone
or perhaps an episode of Jerry Springer
Society's norms and its levels of unreal have reached a deeper realm of the unknown
We know wrong and bad have always been
but there is such a decline among us
good is still represented, but lately it has been taking it on the chin
the slightest glance or word can send someone into a violent fuss
I don't like to watch the news
people behaving badly
if one of us is a victim of evil we all lose
it truly takes a piece of our peace sadly
We are all connected and together we need to stand
as one we can shake our heads, but in numbers we can bring change
we need to sweep the hate, the violence, and the wrongs that rage across our land
coming together should be natural, not extraordinary or strange.
As Rod Serling would say in only the way he could
"Imagine if you will...."
A world where we chose love not hate and lived as we should
Where we could take a moment to breathe in peace and just be still.
don’t forget.
you married for money
planned it from the start
set the bait, and the trap
stock in her name
disguised as just an engage-
ment gift, from you to her
you played the game, sure to
avoid doing insider trading.
sold them early because you knew
it wouldn't last
and she adapted too fast, learned
to avoid your ways of control.
women can plan ahead too, you see.
you underestimated my mother's
sixth sense; stole the 330k
a drop in the bucket for
a man worth millions.
could've been more
if not for her resilience,
and when she caught on to
your wicked intentions,
she'd served her purpose,
your children and prestige
advanced your career and
all things to show off
speaking to your greatness
possessions created from
not love, but hate.
she didn't know better,
at first, 'til she did.
you dragged her by the hair
tossed in the backseat
and 8 months of pregnancy
meant not one thing when
you drove through miles
of woods at night
pushed her into a ditch
and told her to sign,
'sign, or i will kill you.'
I wish she'd seen the signs.
at 8am the lawyer came round
and sign she did,
to protect the kids
how is it the law
and the courts
could believe the lies
that you spun,
the web you grew
to protect reputation?
money, of course.
a bribe will go far to hide the truth.
you destroyed my youth,
you stole my soul.
it was not yours to own.
i don't care if you made it,
don't care if you raised it.
you did a shit job anyway
'cause all that I learned
was from watching you, sure:
from seeing how not to behave
and planning my escape,
and deciding that
when I grew up
I would be everything that
you never were.
I'd hold tables and mountains to
protect the people around me
and my love would never depend
on success or attention
because that's not affection
and anyone who could threaten
to use violent methods
is someone who I will not speak with.
you will never meet my children.
you don't deserve to
and they won't deserve you,
to be used and abused
in all the worst ways.
you claim that your blessings have
always been earned and
the best comes to those
who do good on Earth
well then I sure hope
that you'll realize while burning
that you were the worst kind of person
and I hope you know
the only blessing you have earned
is a blessing for all those around
and really a curse, you'll have no reward.
i hope the universe knows
the only thing that you deserve
is living alone and dying alone.
The old oak tree stood sentinel at the edge of the meadow, its gnarled branches reaching for the sky. Beneath its sheltering canopy, Luke and Kara sat side by side, their fingers entwined. The sun dipped low, casting a warm golden hue on the grass, and the air smelled of earth and memories.
“Remember when we used to climb this tree?” Kara’s voice trembled, and Luke squeezed her hand. “We were invincible back then.”
Luke nodded, his eyes tracing the familiar contours of the landscape. “Life was simpler. But now… it’s time to say goodbye.”
They leaned against the tree, sharing stories of laughter and tears, of dreams woven together like the leaves above. The whispers of the wind carried their secrets—the promises made, the love shared. As twilight settled, they pressed their foreheads together, hearts heavy with the weight of parting.
“Promise me,” Kara whispered, her breath catching. “Promise that wherever life takes us, we’ll find our way back.”
Luke kissed her forehead, tasting the salt of his tears. “Always, my love. Even if it’s just in the echoes of this tree.”
And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, they released each other’s hands, their souls forever entwined in the fading echoes of a love that transcended time.
In the quiet of that meadow, the old oak tree stood witness to countless goodbyes, its branches cradling the memories of those who had loved and lost. And as the stars blinked into existence, it whispered stories to the moon—of love, loss, and the bittersweet beauty of farewell.
Changing to Darkness
There's something about change that makes me want to scream. Why can't things go back to the way they were before? I was happy, I was young, I had no worries. Life happened, change happened and now I'm like this. The world can be cold and dark and lonely and all it takes is one mistake for everything to crumble.
I'm trapped in the past.
Hoping each day won't be my last.
Who I was before,
I am not anymore.
The darkness creeps in,
I learned and sinned.
I thought I knew,
But now I don't know who.
Who am I?
Years ago I would cry,
If I just knew what life would be like now I would have chosen to die.
Writer’s Block
My mouth opens, yet no words come out. I search through my mind, trying to grab at any thoughts that I can, yet it seems there are none. My mind is empty and blank. And the page before me remains as blank as before, the text bar pulses steadily waiting for me to write something, anything. No thoughts and no feelings, how can I write when I cannot feel? How do I write when I have nothing to say? What do I say?
This dreaded writer's block, causing me to cast all of my feelings and thoughts, ideas and inspirations into a chest, not allowing me to reach them. It's like I can't think or speak or feel, like I am stuck behind a thick wall. Trapped in a dark room, preventing me from being able to do anything. That blank page, staring at me in the face, daring me to write something. Taunting me for having no thoughts.
That dreaded writer's block.
A recipe for me
I long to be Crème brûlée,
Elegant, appetising, challenging.
With a hard shiny surface
That repels the unworthy
A puzzle to the stranger
Underneath - soft, silky
Rich and smooth and just a little bit French
I fear I am a muffin
High in fibre, plain, sensible
The boring choice, the predictable selection
Where random ingredients
Often on the verge of spoiling
Are thrown into the mix
Savoury or sweet but never the show-stopper
I used to be leftovers
Crammed into plastic Tupperware
Left to sweat in the back of the fridge
Slowly turning sour with neglect
Flecked with red and black mould
Eventually discarded with disgust
During a biannual fridge clean
But I'm probably a soup
A colourful medley of vegetables and legumes
Hot or cold, spicy or fragrant
Healthy and hearty
A guiltless pleasure on a cold day
Unremarkable, but familiar
Occasionally lacking seasoning
Always better with cheese
Trauma is weird when you barely remember it.
I hear footsteps in the hallway, but it could just be the wind. I see flashes; they’re blurry. (I’m not sure they’re real).
I can’t get into some of the rooms in my head, but I know shadows hide behind the doors. my body keeps score of a game I don’t recognize—some locks
aren’t meant to be picked. not knowing
is its own form of a haunting.