Do As The Queen Could Not.
I orginally wrote this for another challenge but I think it applies to this one even better...
It was a classic case of Romeo and Juiliet. You, a dark ruler of an evil force of the opposing that I rule. Queen of the " Voverat Redimere a Terra..." The Land of the Redeemable and yet my dark desires still set upon the villian of my story. Our families had been feuding since the beginning of time. Since the beginning of good and evil.
I knew of you but barley through the tells my parents told me of yours. I remember the first night I met you, I hated your family, for they ended both of my parents life with the same sword your father wears dangling around his waste. We met at the trancending ceremony. I was to transcend to the throne as the firstborn did every 55 years. You, on that same day, transcended to the opposing force. I recieve the white crown and you the black, with the different encryptions enbedded in the magic within to keep both kingdoms substainable.
After the ceremony was the feast. The one night that the light and the dark collided to celebrate in harmony. We sat side-by-side, though in spite of my hatred of your kind, I toasted to you, to us, to our newfound leadership within our seperated kindoms. You told me, looking me in my eye that you were not your parents. You touched my cheek and vowed to make things right. I made no sense of your intentions.
You killed your parents a week later by the same sword. You came by horse to my kingdom. You presented the sword as a peace offering. I believed you. We broke and burned the sword in a ritual. I asked you why you were changing the feud now. "My whole life my choices,my morals have been chosen for me. I am painted this bastardly monster in which my parents wanted my to follow in their footsteps. I am not evil such as my parents were. Take this as a peace offering," he grasp both my hands into his, "From the time I seen your beautiful face so elegantly scared of ruling at the transcending ritual, I knew that it was up to me to make a difference. To change the paths our parents force upon us. " I engulfed him in my graps, holding him tight. He was now my friend.
Months and years past, our friendship evolved into romance. And oh, were we good at it. We eventually, after long hard consideration, we decided to publicise that we were most intertwined with one another. Though most people may not approved of the dark king loving the light queen, for they began to believe his evil would influence a darker path for my reign. They failed to see that he was a good man.
1 year, 6 months and 6 days after we went to public he proposed. The ring was the most beautiful item ever to pass my sight. It was half white, half black, but not completley separate, in the middle was a infusion of both the angelic look and the devilish look with a mixture of the colors. The ring laced with the finest diamonds in all of the land. In the center, our symbols that represented the different kingdoms were combine to make the mark of a new kingdom that was neither light nor dark, but both. Once we wed our kindgoms intertwined with one another, though of course over time. So we now sat side-by-side yet again. We were happy, we were united, you fulfilled a better man that any of your sireline. You were truly good or so I thought.
A disease swept the land. It was utmost excruciating, it would bleed your from your eyes and and and make you choke upon your own blood until you died. 7 years after our wed, you stabbed me. Truth be told, it was by the same blade that killed my parents and yours. I found you had kept the tip and formed it into a dagger. You set it up so that I would put the appereace of an dead, diseased ridden woman. You sick bastard only used me to gain power. You united our kingdoms, only to rid me gone and control all good and evil contained in the world. I had trusted you. I loved you, and you had loved me I could have swore it. But you.. are far worse than any evil in this world, and now you had full reign of it all, and our kingdom, my kingdom, the people of the redeemed would suffer. I wouldn't even wish the people of the damed upon your reign. Though those people don't know it, but the loss of their queen, would be the start of an uncontrollable evil this world has ever known.
A prophecy I read in my youth, I recall states, "All of the good in the world will perish when dark is to be trusted. End to dark will come only when good rids itself of evil. Then, will only good walk the soils of land, those who remain will live eternally without fear or dark or evil, ever." I believed it. It came to me in almost a flashback. I asked my mother at the age of 5 what it had meant. She told me the kind of the dammed wasn't never to be trusted, and we shall rid them one way or another, so hopefully we shall live in peace. Me, at the age never thought twice about it. But now, it was unfolding right infront of my dead and decieved eyes.
So I say as a riddance to my people:
I am truly sorry. I failed you as queen. I failed to protect you. I intrust this duty
to you all to bring the devil to his knees and slaughter him as though he
slaughtered me. You are my angels, my protectors, that you sought to protect
me, your queen, and I to you, but now, you must save us all. Don't let your
queen die in vien. Do as the queen could not.
Young love
To the boy I loved,
I met you in 8th grade,
Oh how young and niave we both were.
We held hands and laugh at each other's childish humor.
I loved the freckles on your cheeks even though I hated mine.
I loved your dark brown eyes that had a tint of honey in them.
What we had was undeniable, there was something in the way you made me feel.
Everything disappeared when I saw you,
My heart never suffered as much as the day I lost you.
It was not our fault, my parents decided we would move away, and I think we adknowledge the fact we couldn't help it. But deep down we both wish things were different.
Though most people would look back at their childhood relationships and first loves and claim it wasn't true love. If we truly think about it, it was the truest love we would ever experience. We knew each other, not of money, not of sex, but a friendship that was enhance with the purity and innocence of our souls that linked us to each other. Not linked, bonded.
So you see, you were my first love, my favorite love, but years later my heart would go running back to the kind of relationship we had, even if it were nothing but a friendship again. I miss you, I miss us, I miss your laugh, I miss the way you jump during the haunted houses, and I miss us singing at the top of our lungs together at the lunch table of the same middle school where we met. I do truly believe that we were soulmates. It was always you since the day we met, and it still is...
(True story btw!)
Above all... You
The most beautiful thing is not the ocean, the moon, nor the stars. But rather something much deeper at heart. It is not the worlds' kindness, nor the world's love. But somthing much more personal. The most beautiful thing is not the creation of life or the memories we make along the way. For those all come to a end. But you... you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. For you make me feel as if I were floating on a river of joy only to cascade into the endless stream of love. You... are the most beautiful thing ever to exist, and I will love you indefintely until my lungs give in.
It’s too much
Just because I carry it well, doesn't mean it isn't bound to collapse a'top of me. My hands are straining. They are blistered, bleeding, and bruised. My feet aching from carrying the extra weight. My mind spinning and thoughts are speeding 1000 miles per hour in my head. My chest tight, and I can barely breath. My throat is swollen from the tears I am constantly forced to retain. I am this image that everyone paint me out to be. But... what they don't know is that I am holding up so much more than I can carry.
Where there is light, there is bound to be darkness.
One must remember...
While some people have company to accompany them through anything,
Some have no one but themselves to thank for the strength they're taught.
While some stomachs ache from being brim full,
Some stomachs growl with endless hunger.
While some bodies dress in high-dollar clothing,
Some have no choice to wear torn up clothing to keep them warm.
While some kids are pampered and treated with love,
Some are brutally abused, beated, and harmed.
While some live in the light,
Some are cast under their superiors' shadow.
One must remember...
Where there is good,
There is bad.
Where there is happy,
There is sad.
When there is love,
There is Loneliness .
When there is light,
There will always be a dark side.
Drowned By His Ocean-Blue Eyes
“Why do you always play the victim,” I said, hoping to pierce his ever-so-cold heart. A tear cutting through already half-cried-through make-up. His eyes look so intensely at mine, but I refuse to look at him, I tear my eyes away from the face I had tried to hard to keep happy. In the softest tone, he said with a trembling voice,“Why do I play the victim? Me? Do you not see that you’ve played with my heart... my emotions.. from the day we met. Everything you asked for... you got. Everything you’ve ever wanted... I provided. You never once took the time to even thank me.” He started to to cry. This is the first time I ever seen him cry, it seems so real, but I don’t believe his tears. I refuse to believe it. “Really? Then why are you always gone doing God-knows-what? You’re probably with some other girl, who’s prettier and skinnier than me.” He seemed so confused with my question. “Baby, I love you. I would never get with another girl. I’ve been working my ass off to take care of you. To provide... for us. I am am hurt by the thought that you think I would be with another girl. You’re my world. Do you know how many tears I cried for you? How many sleepless nights I not slept thinking of all the ways I’m failing you? You’ve left me twice for other guys. When they didn’t give you what you wanted, you came crawling back to me knowing I’m going let you back in... knowing that I’m vulnerable.” He trembles at the last words of that sentence. His emotion seem so raw. He inches towards me. 5 feet...4...3... 2... 1... He wraps his arms around me. “Promise me,” he stops, studying my face,“promise me you won’t leave again. Promise me you’ll stay. I can’t bare to lose you. Not again.” The heat of his fingertips warmed my face. He cradles my neck, but doesn’t lean in. My eyes fixed on his ocean-blue eyes that I had once drowned in. I could feel the emotion behind them staring intently at me. He wiped my tears with his thumbs. I couldn’t help but to feel his love for me. I knew at this moment that I had been ignoring the emotion that he’d been trying to get me to see. I felt all the love that I had been burying jump to life. I stutter,“I- I promise, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you felt like that. I love you.” I bury my face in his chest, my arms wrapping tightley around is toned abdoment. I pull my face away and look into his eyes and study his face. He has this kind smile that makes my knees quiver. I wish he’d kiss me and forget this arguement ever happened. As if he heard what I was thinking, he gentley pressed his lips against mine. One hand on my lowerback and the other cradling my head. Fresh minty taste from his tounge burned the tip of my tounge. As I returned the favor with a gentle bite of his lip, he puts both hands on the back of my thighs and lift me up. “Bad idea.” His smirk said it all. He lays me on the bed and kisses my lips and progresses down my neck. I could feel the warmth of his love as is warmed the kissed skin. I remembered why I loved him, and I will never mistake it again.
You are not me... yet
This is more of a letter than a conversation. I thought it would be fun to try this out.
Dear... friend,
Hey, little one. You probably don't recognize who I am, but I'm you. Well, technichally, you're not me yet... but you'll get here and wish you hadn't. You fall in and out of love as if it was the phases of the moon. You'll hold enough hands to hold up the world. Though you'll never be satified with yourself. That is something you'll struggle with a lot. Promise me you'll start to love yourself more and stop focusing on boys that only want you for your body.
You find a passion in books and poetry and writing. It is a way to express yourself without speaking. You bleed your emotions through a quill and onto parchment. Though things will get tough... very tough, I want you to never give up on yourself and to remember that the stars only shine during the dark. Things will happen, people will hurt, you especially, but never give up, little one. You are so innocent, but things will change, you'll see things that will scare your mind. Things that you will regret ever lying eyes apon.
You will lose sleep. Every. Single. Night. You'll lose your motivation to live, and people will say, "It's just a phase." Headphones will stay in your ears even when you are not listening to music, soley to avoid any social interaction. You'll grow to distance yourself from everyone. You'll grow into me, and you'll hate it. But, hey, it is what it is.
I need you to hang in there for me, little one. For me, please.
From me to you,
(P.S. Stay away from chocolate brownies, they take a toll as you get older :)