Melanie, don’t you cry
It will be alright
I’ll be here to hold you through the night
You don’t understand why things happen like they do
Believe me when I tell you
Someone will find you special like I do
It’s not easy
When your heart confuses you
You don’t know what to do
It’ not easy
When you mind is filled with doubt
Will anyone love you?
Melanie, don’t you cry
I know the sun will shine
I think everything’s gonna work out fine
One day you’ll understand why things happen like they do
And you’ll believe me when I tell you
Someone will find you special like I do
... and he said to me
Death with no Face
“I am your dream turned nightmare,
a hellish inferno, waiting;
waiting to haunt your soul
with raging madness,
to burn fear into your darkest days.
Your life is forfeit
In an abyss of blackness never fathomed.
as those before you have tried and failed,
I await your useless challenge
to cling to a life, rightfully mine.
When you sleep;
listen for my roar of laughter.
It will really be your insanity screaming.
I wait foolish one.
I wait.”
When you look at me
With no words
Just love
I shiver.
When you reach for my hand
With no words
Just love
I shiver.
I shiver
Because my body
Can barely handle
The intensity
Of your feelings
For me.
I’ve never known another
Who could make me react
So passionately
To their touch
Or their gaze
Besides you.
- I hope the shivers never go away.
The Fault of Forgiveness.
Subconsciously I tell myself that these good things last forever,
But they never do.
I give up before I’ve started because I tell myself it won’t work,
But it’s never true.
I always mess up thinking that people will stick around,
And I never got a clue.
Because, every single time I forget these mistakes; I trust again.
So can I even trust you?
Shattered my soul
Smashed my head against the pavement
Broken my heart
Torn my wings from my back
You never cared
Did you?
I cried and you laughed
I screamed
I begged but you kicked me over
I needed help
But you watched me suffer
You watched me slowly die
I now have grown a bigger set of wings
Glued my heart back
Found my soul
And now it’s your turn
I dare you
You will not get far
Turn around
Follow the sound of broken glass
And find me waiting
I will show you what you did to me
Mental Illness Awareness
I feel as though this subject is not talked about enough. Often times it is brushed over and thrown aside even though it is just as important or even more important than physical health. As someone who deals with many things put into this category, I know that some people just brush past it. I tried reaching for help but I was thrown aside. And now I still struggle with it and more times than not I have to conceal it. That is like trying to conceal a broken leg or a gash in your arm. Not easy. (I know that was a bad comparison but you get my point.) What I am trying to say is that some people need your help with this because not everyone accepts it. People cannot believe what their eyes cannot see. If you have a friend or family member, please truly ask them how they are. Not the ‘hey how’s it going?’ and responding with ‘good’ conversation. Sit down with them in person (not over text) and ask them really how they are. Just talking with someone who understands can help. If you do that, you just saved a life. :)