tell me i will be okay
tell me i
will be okay
that i will live
to see another day
that my efforts
are not a futile escape
to the land of make-believe
mornings come
mornings go
i find myself locked
in life’s throes
passed back and forth
by dancing waves
as i attempt to swim to shore
one day i
will be all alone
but for now
i’ll hold you close
and listen to
your beating heart
and the sound of the pouring rain
know if you know
if my heart drips so profoundly
to wake my sleeping mind
and my lungs lose their purpose
when I have you by my side
then why when it was time
for a permanent goodbye
could my eyes not muster a
single tear
It's midnight and the car stops. My stop.
I thank the driver, a girl. I barely know her. She knows you. Well.
this isn't goodbye
I get out of the car. I have no more words. Not that I ever did.
My mind just as blank as my face.
this can't be the end
You get out of the car too.
I'll see you again
"One more hug," you say. Or something along the lines. I'm so numb by now I don't remember the words.
And I reach for you.
like I've always wanted to
And I bury my face in your coat, and I know you're crying. Just a little.
My eyes are dry, my words clear. As if I don't even care.
I care
"I'll visit," I laugh. I'm pulling away. His girlfriend is surely watching from the car.
don't let me go
"I'll hold you to that." He's wiping his eyes. He has no shame in feeling.
I feel everything
I feel nothing.
"Goodbye," I say, like I'll see him tomorrow. I won't.
"Goodbye." He gets back in the car. He has her. He'll be ok.
what will I do without you
I still don't feel.
if it hurts so much on the inside
why didn't I let you know
my stomach spins, my mouth is dry
my soul bleeds
and I don't even know if you know
At Breakfast.
I smile with inner bliss, on seeing your face
I give thanks that we are here at last
morning coffee in the glow of a golden sunrise
content in this moment, I bask
We weathered the storm through many dark nights
growing closer despite all the pain
now my heart takes an europhic leap of joy
when breakfast made, you call my name.
Me and a few friends have decided to make a group known as SUDSU. (It stands for speak up don't shut up). It's to raise awareness for sexual assault and rape. I hope you check out the website, speakupdontshutup.weebly.com, or even subscribe to the YouTube account. Let's make a difference. Together.