Write a story in which the protagonist was forced to commit a crime. Whether being coerced, an act of self-defense, etc. Be creative and have fun with it.
Ended February 25, 2016 • 2 Entries • Created by fantastical in Crime
Compose an erotic piece where the erotic element(s) are subtle or implicit. Make it so the reader needs to fill in the gaps with their imagination. Be creative with it.
Ended February 25, 2016 • 7 Entries • Created by fantastical in Romance & Erotica
Write a story with a happy ending. It can be a bittersweet happy ending, but happiness of some sort needs to exist in the ending.
Ended February 25, 2016 • 1 Entry • Created by fantastical in Fiction
Write a poem between 3-16 lines. I do not care about rhyming or meter. However, the imagery should be tight.
Follow the poem with some prose that discusses the same thing in just a paragraph or two.
You also have the option of writing the prose first and the poem second (if you like the challenge of doing it in that order where you are distilling and compressing ideas and thoughts)
Ended August 1, 2015 • 2 Entries • Created by fantastical
Write a story with three main characters.
You have to tell the story only from their point-of-views.
Finally, each character can only be the active point-of-view once. Once you switch, you can never go back to a previous point of view.
Be creative and have fun!
Ended July 8, 2015 • 4 Entries • Created by fantastical
Take your biggest fear and personify it.
Now, take the personification and slay it!
Ended February 10, 2015 • 0 Entries • Created by fantastical