Your hands
Sweat seeped in between the cracks of my hands and we hadn't even touched. Being so close caused such anxiety within me. Will he or won't he? Nerves grew higher and higher as every moment passed by. We were running out of time. Then, suddenly, I feel the slightest tingles on the tips of my fingers that quickly escalated to electric currents running through my veins. He reached for my hand and my heart jolted. He grabbed my hand so quickly, it startled me. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled back. We exchanged nervous giggles as the sweat built up in between our hands. It felt as if for that moment, I was able to hold my entire world in the palm of my hands.
A philosophical scientific thought.
You have to be blind in order to truly see.
Now this may seem really philosophical, but it’s not. Actually it is backed up by biology. You see (get it ;)), the retina of your eye contains a bunch of photoreceptors that basically collect what you are seeing based on light. Every human has blind spots, or places where these photoreceptors are missing. This is because this is where one’s optic nerve is located and this is how the things you see get transmitted to your brain to interpret. Without having the blind spots for that nerve, you would not be able to see.
So, you have to be blind in order to see. Well, at least partially blind. hehe. Have a good day!
I love you most.
A boy who from the moment our eyes met, caused a feeling within me to emerge. I felt as if he was going to be important. The boy that my heart belongs to, stole it without me even noticing. He slowly stole piece by piece until every last ounce of it was his. This boy has led me to fall head over heels in love with him. I don't even know what to do with myself. I had never met the girl that I am when I'm with him, but I like her. I love who I get to be when he's around me. He evokes feelings in me that I never thought would be possible. He makes me thankful for every mistake I've made that has led me to this moment in time when I get to love him the most.
*cough cough* *sniffle sniffle*
*cough cough* *sniffle sniffle* momma I think I have the drizzles!
Sally dear, what’s the issue? my nose is runny, can you get me a tissue?
Of course of course, now blow your nose, but what if it gets all over my clothes?
Sally dear, I promise it won’t, okay, okay it won’t, it won’t.
It’s getting late you should rest, go put on pjs go on get dressed.
But momma I don’t want to sleep, you need to sally just count some sheep.
If you want to feel better you’ll need to lie down, "yes momma," sally said wearing a frown
No sad faces, you will feel better soon, now go brush your teeth while I get you a spoon.
Momma momma why are you getting a spoon? For medicine sally so you feel better soon
Does it taste good? Is it yummy? It's not the best but it will help your tummy!
What flavor momma is the medicine? Its cherry sally dear I know its your favorite
now drink some water and rest your eyes, when you wake the drizzles will be gone by surprise
Good night, momma, good night drizzles, sally said *cough cough* *sniffle sniffle*
Good morning, momma! I have no more drizzles! I told you you’d get better, no more *cough cough* *sniffle sniffle*
It’s my fault for believing you...
I had so many words to say to you. I wrote paragraphs, love letters, I expressed my feelings to you when I never was able to before. You broke down every single wall I had built around my heart. You made me begin to believe in love again. Until you shattered my heart into a million pieces with seven stupid words, "I don't think I like you anymore." I don't know what hurt me worse. The fact that you waited two months to tell me this, or that I believed for even a second that you really cared. My heart broke, yours remained whole. Yours remained able to love another. I had to heal. You left me broken down and hopeless. Hope you're happier now.
The tragedy of childhood
Yelling, screaming, crying. Every inch of the room filled with sorrow and regret. Wishing they had dealt with problems earlier, hoped there was still time to clean the mess. The floor was damp with fresh tears. Every moment ticked by like it was the last. They would try to grasp each second before it vanished. Even though each moment tore their hearts to pieces, at least they were still together. In the end, they knew they wouldn’t be. So focused on each other, they failed to realize the small, youthful ears listening intently to the whimpers. The ears that captured the words, the noises, that would haunt their mind forever. The ears that in ten years from now will recall that moment when they were too young to comprehend what was occurring. The ears that will inflict an ever-lasting memory on the child, to whom those ears belong.
Moving to a new town, knowing not a soul but her grandmother, the little girl was scared. She was scared of making new friends. Why did she have to leave her old ones? Were they mad at her? Was she a bad friend? Was she a bad daughter? The little girl was late to her first day. She was so panicked about finding the perfect shoes, the perfect outfit, to make her look as if she was a good friend. She met so many children that day. Second grade didn’t seem so bad. Until playdates began to exist. She was asked to play dolls at Veronica’s house, she was asked to play hide-n-seek at Joy’s house. She was begged to sleepover at Daniella’s house. The little girl had to think about the days she would be allowed to and when she wouldn’t. She never could give answers to her new friends because she just didn’t know what to say. Some days she was at her mom’s house. Some days she was at her dad’s. She was constantly on the move from one bedroom door to her other. Constant reminders of her abnormality existed everywhere. Television shows, movies, anything she loved had this image of a happy family, and it wasn’t hers. She felt out of place. She felt as if she had no true home despite having two. She felt alone. She was alone.