Who Am I?
Who am I?
I’m a guy who is optimistic. Sometimes expecting the best, sometimes the worst. But, whatever I do, I always give it my all, it’s helpful to be that way, but sometimes...it isn’t.
I have tasted a little bit from every career choice I’ve met with. I’ve given some hobbies a lot of time and effort, but I ended up moving on from it, leaving it in the dust.
I love my family, they’re wonderful people but sometimes they can be strange or even horrible people. I love those around me, sometimes I get jealous but that rarely bothers me. I want to have a beautiful family in my future, hoping to give the best I can for them.
The biggest battles in my life are very internal, like my anxiety, self-doubt, temptations or addictions. What others think about me has been my biggest worry as an adolescent. Am I capable of doing this? Has been my biggest question. A pattern of thought I try to break through every day. But, I always fail. Again. Again. And again.
It's a slippery slope.
My faith in God keeps me strong, He gives me strength to overcome anything. But just like always, I constantly fail Him. But His promise is to have mercy on me, no matter what I do. Only in exchange for one thing, I believe in Him.
Though I fail in a lot of things in life, there is a reminder to me every time. This reminder raises my eyebrows, makes me smile, and gives me hope. It’s that everybody goes through the same things in life, worse or better. I’m not exaggerating my problems, I’m merely dealing with it, and I realize that these problems are just like everyone else’s.
It’s a part of the human experience.
The Persecutor turned Apostle
Paul. One of the admirable characters in the Bible, he has a humble yet ambitious fire for God. He was one that persecuted Christians, but after Jesus approached him - he dedicated his whole life to preaching the Gospel. I think in some way, I'm someone that disliked religion, and been a horrible person most of my life in one way or the other. But, my life turned into a more hopeful journey. I realised that there was light at the end of the tunnel. And I hope to preach the Gospel and love everyone as much as I can. It's the least I can do.