Little Man In The Boat
As we shared a whiskey flask
My love took me to task
To mount an expedition
Beyond my wildest hope
A mission fraught with danger-
To save a man in a boat
She said I'd know his oilskins
By now quite slick and wet
And the shiny Sou'Wester rain hat
That sloped to protect his neck
She said that in the tempest
His hat might tend toward red...
I grabbed my oars and hunkered down
For nothing more be said
Against the tide as one we rowed
Tossed by growing swells
Faced with death, our sense grew sharp
With heightened taste and smell
As violent ocean ebbed and flowed,
With skill its hills we rode
"Put yer back in it,"
At one point, I heard the sailor cry
As the ocean roiled and tossed amid
Our frantic groans and sighs
We worked our aching bodies
Beyond what one should ask
Fighting 'gainst the rising storm
The mighty waves did crash
Till ocean calm returned once more
For me and my paramour-
Spent by the adventure
That we two had braved
A time of chase and glory
Forever we would note
The tale of how
That night I saved
A little man in a boat...
We Fallen
My concern drops soft
Against your gentle cough
So frail in my embrace
We lie in bed of secrets laced
In and out of sleep so deep
Chased by hungry thoughts
That creep and seep
And gnaw the edge of soul in feast
Bulwark against foul demon's chase
In this space I'll make you safe
My princess chaste
My drug
My waif
I play the hero, armored in kind pledge
We fall away from ocean's edge
I claim right of diver's salvage
Our need whelmed in bodies savaged
We lie in tangled trust
My comely Succubus
At your carnal throne I kneel
Haunted by dark lusts unsealed
I run my fingers along your scars
A little sad, a little angry, a little hard-
Confused by dark emotions' brace
Pushed by twisted passion's chase
Bound by your perverse bequest
My hands 'round your neck
We slew and teeter at the cusp
Succumbing to small deaths
No saving grace for likes of us
Truth a tarnished gilt
Upon our wicked borrow
We give the monster leash
Foul imprecations muttered
In horror's grip, we come and shudder
Loath to loose my hero's claim
But in truth, we are the same
Just two Maker's broken toys
Fallen little girl and boy
No spoils to claim
No one to blame
As hero's mantle falls away
I sigh in lost illusions' sway
Hold you close-
As one
We peel
The waxing day
Alternative Universe
Since when did truths
Become alternative?
Ain't that a fine "howda ya do"
And what about the words we speak
Do their meanings
Come in "alternative," too?
As in "up" is "down" and "in" is "out"
And good old "red" is "blue?"
It defeats the purpose of language
In which case you'd never know,
"I'm huntry en I liken peas
A dishes dainty sang witch..."
In this alternative universe
Our Earth is flat
The new thin is fat
And racists never lynched blacks
If that foolishness ain't enough
Here's an interesting fact-
According to our government,
Dixie's slaves were immigrants!
This is not right
Just stop it please
Alternative facts?
There's no such thing...
(Unlike Bigfoot
Or that girl from "Ring")
Fiction is fiction
Fact is fact
And never the twain
Shall be the same
If someone tells you
They're playing
The "mind fuck" game...
“Vive Immaturity!”
"Vive Immaturity"
My good friend Flipstork said
So I went to my friend's wedding
In a giant panda head
The Groom no doubt now regrets
Having me as his "Best Man"
Perhaps my congrats went too far-
When I "joy-buzzed" Bride's Dad's hand
Roach on the plate
A Bridesmaid bang
Fake vomit on the cake
Misjudged the Groom's ability
To take my little jokes
Or maybe I did overreach
With my prodding and my pokes
Because of their reactions
I now regret it all
But it's too late
The angry Groom
Will not return my calls
To follow good friend
Flipstork's lead?
It was a grave mistake-
My Mother
Just rescinded
The invite
To my Aunt's wake...
I drink a cocktail of moonlight
It makes my gut feel tight
Loathe to rage or fuck or fight
I surrender to the night
In a quiet clearing
Lit by Luna's light
I build a meager fire
To lessen Dark's cold bite
I stare upon the heavens
And contemplate my life
All the people I have known
The ones I've loved and lost
The truths that I've held dear
And tossed
The battles I have fought
For reasons now exiguous
So frivolous in thought
That's when it occurs to me
That to live
Comes at a cost...
I had to reach the pinnacle
My intentions quite rabbinical
So I rode a road up a mountainside
I braved the rocky roads on my yellow Vespa
My headphones blasted Moody Blues
I think it was their "Best Of..."
My scooter got a flat
'Cause the mountain's rocks were sharp
But I was on a mission - my purpose not some lark
I sought the Ten Commandments,
Or maybe Noah's Ark
And so I climbed with gusto
Rising higher without stop
I was disappointed
When I reached the top
Because I found not one
Of the relics that I seek
I looked into the distance
To see them on a nearby peak
I stomped my feet in anger, feeling like a sap
Should've paid more than 50 cents for my map
I stomped my feet so hard
That I went and sealed my fate
Now I fall flailing - aiming for a mountain lake