Stay the fuck away from me. what the fuck could you possibly want? you sick fucks.
How you would make the world a better place 1000 words or less
assuming you could do and or change everything/anything in the world and assuming you would use those powers to make the world a better place. What would you do?
Ended July 1, 2019 • 6 Entries • Created by deadman
Subject. Lying. and Truth.
I play by my own rules. and most of the time, I don't even play by those. I'm the boss. and as boss. I am giving you permission to do whatever you want to do. Because that is easiest for me. Also. its volunteer work. so i ain't paying you nothing. just be glad you don't have to pay me. to be your boss. so you're welcome. i guess.
Ended June 7, 2019 • 3 Entries • Created by deadman in Poetry & Free Verse
Write a short story starting with.. So there i was, balls deep in some action.
Be as dirty or clean as you want.
Ended June 6, 2019 • 0 Entries • Created by deadman
Write about the state of the world.
Try to keep it brief.
Ended June 5, 2019 • 20 Entries • Created by deadman in Poetry & Free Verse
Write thoughts that usually stay in your head. Things that typically go unsaid.
Those thoughts that people feel they have to hide from the world. lets write about those.
Ended June 1, 2019 • 41 Entries • Created by deadman
To encompass the most ideas and feelings in the least amount of words. To express complex details in simple terms.
Write a poem. Try to use a minimal amount of words. Try to portray a large, detailed expression in a small amount of words.
Ended June 1, 2019 • 27 Entries • Created by deadman
To encompass the most ideas and feelings in the least amount of words. To express complex details in simple terms.
Write a poem. Try to use a minimal amount of words. Try to portray a large, detailed expression in a small amount of words.
Ended May 29, 2019 • 2 Entries • Created by deadman