The 24 Spinz
maybe Spinoza would 360
in the grave today...?
change his mind
split hairs
with God
for hygienic
draw a blind
or a double,
hide his head
in the sands
of the glass
While tipping
upside down
refute existence
of either this or that
as all influx...
Ostrich like,
from China
to British Columbia
which way
is up...?
in the calcium
of eternal sleep
he would dream...
It's the Spin
it's the sPin
it's the spIn
it's the spiN...
Spinoza turning in his grave challenge @Prose
A Rejection Letter
To: Mr. Baruch/Benedictus Spinoza, philosopher
April 10, 2024
Dear Mr. Spinoza,
Do not bother us again.
We, the Board of the World Status Quo Protection Agency, reject your unsolicited critique of our twenty-first century.
You were the seventeenth century’s problem. Not ours.
How dare you ask questions and seek to arrive at beliefs and truth individually through reason. Citizens today have banded together in groups to hear the truth and facts from sources that comport with their worldview. We have no need of philosophers in 2024.
Thus, our status quo is groupthink.
Yes, our groups clash and there are wars that are political, spiritual, and militaristic. But they are part of our status quo.
You are free in your ivory tower to sneer at our way, and claim we are pursuing false “knowledge from random experience.” It is no wonder that you were excommunicated for your radical ideas.
We know that you worked with lenses for microscopes and telescopes. But you have no right to put our status quo under your microscope.
Unselfish heart
In considering humanity in 2024, it doesn't have to be driven by ones desires or passion for doing something, but it has to be based on empathy. Doing unto other people as you would want them do unto you. In this way one can be selfless. Today
Having all these worldly crisis's, the interest is to better oneself and often times, it ends into selfishness. Spinoza would likely remind us that while our passions can lead to progress, they can also cloud our judgment and lead to conflict. But if one has it in them to do good unto others with just expecting that good will be done to them, this brings a good foundation for a harmonious society.
Kids In The Schoolyard
It doesn’t matter what religion you believe in: Buddhism, Catholicism, Taoism, Communism, Hinduism, Druidism.
It doesn’t matter if you have led armies, cleaned shoes, split the atom, influenced millions, rode in a rocket to the moon.
You are still that little kid running with all the other kids in a schoolyard. That’s always there, that’s you, that’s what humanity is, that’s what the world is, that’s existence, that’s what we all really are, working it all out because no one really knows everything. Everybody questions, why a bumblebee’s flight is scientifically impossible, but they do. Humanity is a sure bet at the end of the day, its real, it’s there, it’s the only thing that’s going to save this planet, and when you die don’t be afraid because you don’t know anything anyway, but you will always be loved and remembered here. That’s life, that’s what it’s all about, live now because you, me, them and others are all just human beings right here, right now. People are their own gods, terrible, beautiful, cruel, kind, powerful, omnipotent, everything, but mostly just little kids running around in that school yard that’s always there. Fingers crossed.
Pain of disciple or pain of regret.
What resounding theme do we hear when people are dying. “I wish I would have….. I don’t want that phrase hanging from my lips. I don’t want family and friends reiterating comments like “what happened? She had so much promise.“
I chose to live with the pain of disciple NOT of regret.
Lesson at the Cesspool
A teacher, a professor, and a student walked up to a cesspool. The student asked, "What do we do now?" The professor proclaimed, "you will have to jump in, do your best to learn to float, and hopefully if you paid close attention to my lectures then you can make it across and get out on the other side."
The student was about to reluctantly jump in. The teacher held the student back, but for good reason. "Wait" the teacher said, "Soon the season will change and it will freeze solid, then you can walk across it easily".
The moral to the story... It is better to help others walk on water than it is to make them feel like shit.
A Tantrum
One look at post-modern thinking
One more drink of beer for the day
They might argue for subjective truth
But what blasphemy they do say
One look at atheism today
One more hand to the head
How can anyone, let alone millions be like so
His atheism saw God as nature led.
One look at reality as conceived
The amount of shock on his face
How can there not be natural order
In this human race?
One look at learning and development
Besides the unheralded progression
Of learning for the popular masses
Surely, you must be joking of such regression.
One look at truth and epistemology,
Oh boy, he looks like he might cry
How can anyone know through senses
Only reason can prevail—oh my my!
One look at what some people want,
A destruction of the line between church and state
No—this is where I shall make my stand!
No intersection because that is what I hate!
One more look and I don’t think he’ll still stand
The modern world is just too much
And Spinoza is no fan
Poor Spinoza, dug from his grave
Says goodbye and jumps right back in
“There is no retribution enough to be saved!”
And out he goes—there are no more debates for him to win.