We are all like flowers -
Even in our birth.
Like a seed
in the ground
yet swaddled with such mirth.
And when we grow
you surely know
that we all must be watered.
With love and grace,
strength and faith
all so wonderfully cottered.
So let us flourish
always nourished
like daylilies
in the sun.
As we must not forget
lest we come to regret
Any time that we have wasted
On Earth, meandering
slandering, pandering
void of a care in the world.
Life is shorter
Than we'd like to think
So let's be aware of the hours -
Sun can turn into showers
ever quickly
And we must try, not cower
Our time's like a race
The time ticking
Like beaming rays
of the sun
We'll run, run,
run and run,
Hebrews twelve
verse one.
Yes, we are all like flowers
changing through the seasons
Birthed, growing
always knowing
We're here
for so many reasons.
An Ode to My Birthday Babe
This poem goes out to the most beautiful woman I have ever met.
Does she have smarts, fun, and passion? You bet!
When it comes to moving stuff, she can make the impossible fit into tight spaces. How you pull that off, I cannot see.
She can see the best in you and tell you how to utilize your skills. That power of yours amazes me.
I'm sorry that I stole your post convention line. You know the one I'm talking about, "That's a con."
Actually, I'm glad I did. If you won't reclaim it, I'll keep it going on!
Thank you for the family we share together, and all the cool things you do.
You are my favorite person babe. Happy Birthday - I love you!
For my wife :-)
The Promise of Someday
I find it rather pleasing
that you include me in your dream.
And I pray that you’re not teasing,
while my heart is all agleam.
This dream of us just leaving
our old life out of sight.
The ambitions you keep weaving,
just feels completely right.
To spend my life with you, dear,
would be completely grand.
My love for you is so sincere,
I hope you understand
But none of us are willing
to bend each other’s way,
That’s what ends up killing
our future hopeful day.
Reaching out, touching your hair, it's so soft, it smells like coconuts this time. I'm not sure which level of girlfriend hell you are yet but I pray it's not the last one. She was so proud, almost bubbly, confident in everything she did. She is beautiful; in a tragically broken way. Please tell me, end my darkness, answer me!? Which level are you, I must know, just tell me, I wont be angry, I promise. She turns to face me, tears in her eyes, pain and sadness streaking down her cheeks. She smiles, I know its fake, it has been for awhile, but she tried and that's all I ever asked for. I touch her cheek, wiping the tear away, tilting my head slightly to look in her eyes. “I am only me, undeniably shaken to my core by the hate in this world, frightened by the atrocities I feel, sickened by my own voice, maddened by my thoughts.” I stare at her, longing to ease her pain and fix whats missing. I turn the door and walk over turning around the one last time, smiling slightly at the reflection in the mirror.
I don't want to be alone
I don't want to be with people either
I just want to be with places
In places
with the memories that have been made
And the possibilities that still remain there
I just want to see the world
It's huge, isn't it?
The world?
It's the best feeling, isn't it?
To stand outside and look in?
So many people, I wonder what their stories are
I could walk and run, collecting them all
So many beautiful places, I could never see them all in one lifetime
But I could chase time like I hope to catch it
That sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
And maybe it's cowardly too
To stand outside and look in?
I never have to think about myself
So many people, why would one matter?
Maybe to you it might not be a life worth living
To never stay in one place long enough
To find love, build friendships, make families
Have babies, hate jobs, love money, know hurt
But that sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Yes, it does
It sounds like
Except this world that I hope to see
It's built on paper, on money
I spread my wings, One flight
and I'm collapsing under the weight of expenses
Freedom is a mirage.
I went to
Dunkin Donuts
asked for a coffee
to go
laughed hysterically
when I realized
that’s all they do
I had called out sick
it was too grey
and the men making
conversation outside
seemed like
scientific specimens
the art of surviving
an academic subject
with a grade seemingly
just for participating
I watched them
as if through glass
my lukewarm coffee
in its styrofoam
waiting for its end
My Moon That Died
I looked at the moon last night
She cried and howled at me
Gave me quite a fright
That allowed me to see
Her glowing face was bloody
Those craters filled with red
After a quick study
I realized she was dead
That light started to disappear
I stayed and watched it go
Down my face a tear escape
And it trailed down slow
The moon looked down no more
Her fading glow made me cry
With a wave, I turned around
And bid my moon goodbye
The paper in my letters
Our minds are like a mother board filled with digitalized files over filled with letters written by human tongue. There are some we'd burn so our sorrow can be lifted upon our chest. Letters that we'd bury within us like dirt so it can't hurt us any longer. And the playing cards we hold as we walk throughtout our days, the golden one. "I have a boyfriend"because men would rather respect a strange men that a woman. If only I remembered to take my cards with me that one day, when I came back home I had a heavy black letter. 7 year old me didn't understand so I dug it deep inside, then another letter and another and another and another. I felt as if I was swallowed, in a pit of blackness filling myself with embarrassment and sadness. I couldn't breath but I couldn't let anyone else know, they'd see me with disgust, they wouldn't be proud of me. I blamed myself. I felt like paper, thin with emotion, brittle with happiness, blandness covering my soul making me numb. My skin turning white as if I was drawn. Could you draw a smile on my face for me? But that was yesturday's letters, I've burned the black letters and now I will use my tongue to speak for my sisters and our mother and grandmothers and all the women past that. I know it's not all men but it's enough that I hold my breath every time a man walks by me. It's enough that I hold my phone tight whereever I go. It's enough that I hold my tongue. It's enough that my shoulders will decide whether I end up in an alleyway or a police car. It's enough that he can be a 10 and he's so nice so he couldn't have done it. This is my letter, made with tears, blood and sweat, I written it with my tongue of purity or you wouldn't listen. I written this letter without hurting you, but you'll still blame me for it all. So I have a question to lather on that newspaper, men, why do you want to be oppressed so much that you kill your own kind?