At night I haul prisoners
In the transport van
Hit every bump in the road
Making the transition
As comfortable as I can
One inmate decides to make a threat
That when we get to said destination
He was gonna give me some shit
So every turn gets tighter
Every swear in the back gets louder
I'm loving every minute of it
They put themselves here
So we make it moans and all
Guess theses chomos don't like
When something other than a kid
Rattles their perverted balls
So I pull up to the block
Where other prisoners can hear and see
I unshackle the douchbag who
Couldn't keep his mouth shut
And tell him ok tough guy
Let's see what you got
And that bitch couldn't even
Back his mouth
put it down
Cell phones are everywhere
Stuck to people's heads
I'm talking about those trained gorillas
Taking cell phones to their beds
It fascinates me how people
Use their cell phones in the line
Ignoring the cashier and the bager
It's an annoying and an inconsiderate sign
Of a people who can't communicate
Of a people who are selfish
Not making real but online friends
Internet warriors are the trend
All those selfies, nudies, foodies
Are things that make ME cringe
don’t know if I’m right
Sex is what makes a person
That's how people are made
Honesty is what makes a person
Even though 99.99 % of us
Ignorance our guide
Though it is pride we expose
Seeing your only daughter cry
For the first time
Knowing she will have to
Build up from the world she
Traffic stops
Pulling your gun
Making decisions
When an inmate runs
Instinctive decisions
Not wasting your life
In front of the television
Not shoe shopping
Weight loss pill popping
Or loading up on the ranch dressing
What makes a person
Hell I don't know
People speak of man's greatness
And the invention of the wheel
How man has beaten the odds
And here I am babysitting
The pods
let the games begin
I want to tell a story about
an officer who shot a man down
8 shots to the chest
and that fucker just turned around
I live amongst these men
the chomos the pigs
I protect them
defend them
when their court date arrives
I just want to bend down
and tie my boots
give an opening for the father
whose 7 year old daughter was raped to death
give an opening for the son
who lost a mom whose body was too torn to see
Just because some fucker stole her R.V.
There is no justice in the justice system
it's all bullshit
we reward them with peanut butter
and Moonpies
but the victims are dead
you have to go on with life
one time I passed a cell
and saw a chomo getting ass raped
I passed by like I didn't see
karma was the bigger and tougher bitch
I didn't feel that justice was served
It is never enough compare to what they did
It is never enough even if the victim is found
or lives
Shank Land NOT Dream Land
the trim off the door
missing is a hidden knife
and a styrofoam cup
melted can take a life
you have your means
and I have mine
I stay awake at
the Hershey squirts
make my ass a bathroom junkie
after eating a keistered candy bar
that's the shit you deal with
behind the bars
freedom shouldn't exist
criminals are protected
while the lawful get the
short end of the stick
and then Johnny Law
is left with the last gun in the land
to shank or not to shank
doesn't get me to dreamland